What does the name Moustafa mean? What is the meaning of the name Moustafa
Meaning of Moustafa: Name Moustafa in the Arabic origin, means the chosen one. Name Moustafa is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Moustafa (Namesakes)
- Moustafa Esmail
Moustafa Esmail (born 23 June 1965) is an Egyptian boxer.
- Moustafa Ibrahim
Moustafa Ibrahim (born 1 August 1970) is an Egyptian footballer.
- Moustafa Amar
Moustafa Amar (Arabic: مصطفى قمر; born Moustafa Ahmed Amar in 1966) is an Egyptian musician and actor.
- Hisham Talaat Moustafa
Hisham Talat Moustafa (Arabic: هشام طلعت مصطفى) is an Egyptian businessman who had been elected in 2004 to the Shura Council in the Parliament of Egypt.
- Hassan Moustafa
Hassan Moustafa (born 28 July 1944 in Cairo, Kingdom of Egypt) is an Egyptian sports administrator and former handball player.
- Moustafa Reyadh
Ibrahim Moustafa Reyadh (Arabic: إبراهيم مصطفى رياض; born 5 April 1941) is a retired Egyptian football player.
- Moustafa Shakosh
Moustafa Shakosh (Arabic: مصطفى شاكوش) (born November 13, 1986 in Syria) is a Syrian footballer.
- Moustafa Palazli
Moustafa Palazli Chousein-Oglou (born 28 December 1990 in Xanthi, Greece), sometimes known as Moustafa Palazli is a Greek-born British actor.
- May Moustafa
May Moustafa (born 24 January 1983) is an Egyptian fencer.
- Moustafa Adam
Moustafa Adam (born 31 October 1968) is an Egyptian modern pentathlete.
- Moustafa Chellouf
Moustafa Chellouf (born 21 March 1935) is a Tunisian former sports shooter.
- Abdelrahman Moustafa
Abdelrahman Mohamed Fahmi Moustafa (Arabic: عبد الرحمن فهمي مصطفى; born 5 April 1997) is a Qatari footballer.
- Moustafa Amer
Moustafa Amer (born 1 September 1967) is an Egyptian swimmer.
- Moustafa Abdou
Moustafa Abdou (born 10 June 1953) is an Egyptian footballer who played as a forward.
- Moustafa Belhmira
Moustafa Belhmira (born 12 August 1950) is a Moroccan judoka.
- Moustafa Madbouly
Mostafa Kemal Madbouly (Arabic: مصطفى كمال مدبولي, born 28 April 1966) is the current Prime Minister of Egypt.
- Moustafa Zeidan
Moustafa Zeidan Khalili (born 7 June 1998) is a Swedish footballer who plays for IK Frej.
- Moustafa Allozy
Moustafa Allozy (born 17 June 1963) is an Egyptian weightlifter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Moustafa Numerology: Name Moustafa has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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