What does the name Mou mean? What is the meaning of the name Mou?
Meaning of Mou: Name Mou in the Indian origin, means Honey; Sweet. Name Mou is of Indian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Mou are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Mou (Namesakes)
- Zhang Yimou
Zhang Yimou ([ʈʂáŋ î.mǒu]; born 14 November 1951) is a Chinese film director, producer, writer and actor, and former cinematographer.
- Chan Mou
Chan Mou (Chinese: 陳某; literally: 'Mister Chan') is a Chinese comic artist from Hong Kong.
- Erica Mou
Erica Musci (born April 6, 1990), better known by her stage name Erica Mou, is an Italian singer and musician.
- Mou Pengfei
Mou Pengfei (Chinese: 牟鹏飞; pinyin: Móu Péngfēi; born 28 February 1989 in Qingdao) is a Chinese footballer who currently plays for Beijing Renhe in the Chinese Super League.
- Mou Shantao
Mou Shantao (Chinese: 牟善韬; born 1 March 1990, in Dalian) is a Chinese football player who currently plays for CP Villarrobledo.
- Nawsheen Nahreen Mou
Nawsheen (Bengali: নওশীন; (1985-08-15)August 15, 1985) is a Bangladeshi television and film actress who has worked in many notable popular films such as prarthona, Mukhosh Manush.
- Mou Shantao (footballer)
Mou Shantao (Chinese: 牟善韬; pinyin: Móu Shàntāo; born 1 March 1990), also erroneously listed as Mu Shantao, is a Chinese footballer currently playing as a defender for Villarrobledo.
- Mou Ying-hsin
Mou Ying-hsin (born 7 November 1977) is a Taiwanese swimmer.
- Khyathi
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Mou Numerology: Name Mou has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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