What does the name Mortimer mean? What is the meaning of the name Mortimer?
Meaning of Mortimer: Name Mortimer in the French, English origin, means A still water, motion-less water. Name Mortimer is of French, English origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Mortimer are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Mortimer (Namesakes)
- Bob Mortimer
Robert Renwick Mortimer (born 23 May 1959) is an English comedian, podcast presenter, and actor.
- Mortimer Zuckerman
Mortimer Benjamin Zuckerman (born June 4, 1937) is a Canadian-American billionaire media proprietor, magazine editor, and investor.
- Emily Mortimer
Emily Kathleen Anne Mortimer (born 1 December 1971) is an English actress and screenwriter.
- Angela Mortimer
Florence Angela Margaret Mortimer Barrett, CBE (née Mortimer; born 21 April 1932) is a former world No.
- Tony Mortimer
Anthony Michael "Tony" Mortimer (born 21 October 1970 in Stepney, London) known as Tony Mortimer is an English singer, rapper, songwriter and composer.
- Steve Mortimer
Steve Mortimer OAM, (born 15 July 1956), also known by the nickname of "Turvey" after Turvey Park in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, where he hailed from, is an Australian former rugby league halfback.
- Dennis Mortimer
Dennis George Mortimer (born 5 April 1952) is an English former footballer and captain of Aston Villa.
- Angus Mortimer
Angus Mortimer (born September 4, 1985) is a Canadian former sprint kayaker.
- Chris Mortimer
Chris Mortimer (born 19 August 1959 in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales) is an Australian former professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s for the Canterbury-Bankstown, Penrith, New South Wales and for the Australian national side.
- Conor Mortimer
Conor Mortimer (born 23 May 1982) is a Gaelic footballer He was a corner forward and has played for the Mayo senior football team, Connacht provincial team in the Railway Cup and club football for Shrule-Glencorrib in Mayo and later with Dublin club Parnells.
- Paul Mortimer
Paul Henry Mortimer (born 8 May 1968) is an English former footballer.
- Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Randolph Mortimer (née Mercer; born August 11, 1975) is an American socialite and television personality.
- Ian Mortimer (historian)
Ian James Forrester Mortimer, (born 22 September 1967) is a British historian and writer of historical fiction.
- Greg Mortimer
Greg Mortimer (born 10 December 1952) is an Australian mountaineer.
- Summer Mortimer
Summer Ashley Mortimer (born April 22, 1993) is a former Canadian-Dutch paraswimmer who competed internationally for Canada, and later the Netherlands national paralympic team, an artist, and a performing artist.
- Shane Mortimer
Shane Mortimer (born 24 December 1955) is a Ngambri man with a strong connection to the local Canberra region.
- Xavier Mortimer
Xavier Mortimer (born June 20, 1980), is a magician and variety performer from the South of France.
- Breid
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Mortimer Numerology: Name Mortimer has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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