What does the name Moreland mean? What is the meaning of the name Moreland?
Meaning of Moreland: Name Moreland in the English origin, means Marsh Land; From the Moor-land; A variant transcription of Moreland. Name Moreland is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Moreland: Marsh Land; From the Moor-land; A variant transcription of Moreland
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Famous people with name Moreland (Namesakes)
- J. P. Moreland
James Porter Moreland (born March 9, 1948), better known as J. P. Moreland, is an American philosopher, theologian, and Christian apologist.
- Keith Moreland
Bobby Keith "Zonk" Moreland (born May 2, 1954 in Dallas, Texas) is a former outfielder, catcher and infielder in Major League Baseball who played for the Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago Cubs, and San Diego Padres.
- Earthwind Moreland
Earthwind C. Moreland (born June 13, 1977) is a former National Football League cornerback for the New England Patriots and Arena Football League cornerback/wide receiver for the Las Vegas Gladiators.
- Victor Moreland
Victor "Vic" Moreland (born 15 June 1957 in Belfast) is a retired professional footballer from Northern Ireland who began his career in Northern Ireland, spent two seasons in the Football League before moving to the United States.
- Jake Moreland
Jake Moreland (born January 18, 1977) is a former player in the National Football League for the New York Jets and Cleveland Browns in 2000 and 2001.
- Mitch Moreland
Mitchell Austin Moreland (born (1985-09-06)September 6, 1985) is an American professional baseball first baseman for the Boston Red Sox of Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Moreland le Blanc
Moreland Moses le Blanc (born 25 May 1989) is a Sint Maarten cricketer who has played at first-class level for the Leeward Islands and at Twenty20 level for Sint Maarten.
- John Moreland
John Robert Moreland (born June 22, 1985) is an American singer-songwriter from Tulsa, Oklahoma.
- Eric Moreland
Eric Moreland (born December 24, 1991) is an American professional basketball player for the Shanxi Loongs of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA).
- Jarien Moreland
Jarien Moreland (born December 26, 1988) is a former American football offensive lineman.
- Jimmy Moreland
Jimmy Roger Moreland Jr. (born August 26, 1995) is an American football cornerback for the Washington Redskins of the National Football League (NFL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Moreland Numerology: Name Moreland has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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