What does the name Montserrat mean? What is the meaning of the name Montserrat
Meaning of Montserrat: Name Montserrat in the Spanish origin, means A mountain that was cut evenly to make a place to live. Name Montserrat is of Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Montserrat are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Montserrat (Namesakes)
- Montserrat national football team
The Montserrat national football team represents the small Caribbean island of Montserrat in the CONCACAF football region.
- Montserrat Carulla
Montserrat Carulla i Ventura (born 1930) is a Catalan actress.
Coming from the amateur theatre, she completed her training with courses at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona (Barcelona Theatre Institute) at the end of the 1940s.
- Montserrat Lombard
Montserrat Lombard (born 1 August 1982) is an English actress best known for playing WPC (later DC) Sharon 'Shaz' Granger in the BBC drama series Ashes to Ashes.
- Montserrat Oliver
Montserrat Oliver (born Montserrat Lourdes Socorro Oliver Grimau on April 13, 1966) is a Mexican fashion model, business entrepreneur, actress, and talk-show host.
- Montserrat Tomé
Montserrat "Montse" Tomé Vázquez (born 11 May 1982) is a Spanish former football midfielder who most recently played for Oviedo Moderno in Spain's Segunda División.
- Nil Montserrat
Nil Montserrat (born 8 December 1988 in Barcelona) is a Spanish racing driver.
- Alba Montserrat
Alba Montserrat Tarín (born 9 June 1984) is a Spanish former football goalkeeper, who most recently played for RCD Espanyol of Spain's Primera División.
Montserrat played her final game for Espanyol in April 2012, then emigrated to Munich for her career outside football.
- Montserrat González
Montserrat González Benítez (American Spanish: [monseˈrat ɣonˈsalez βeˈnites]; born 1 July 1994) is a Paraguayan tennis player.
- Dolors Montserrat
Dolors Montserrat i Montserrat (born September 18, 1973 in Sant Sadurní d'Anoia) is a Spanish lawyer and politician who serves as Member of the European Parliament.
- Montserrat Martí
Montserrat Martí (born 15 November 1972), also known as Montsita, is a Spanish soprano.
- Montserrat Boix
Montserrat Boix Piqué (born 26 January 1960) is a Spanish journalist, considered among the most influential women in her country.
- Montserrat Bassa
Montserrat Bassa i Coll (born 20 April 1965) is a Spanish politician from Catalonia who serves as Member of the Congress of Deputies of Spain.
- Enrique Montserrat
Enrique Montserrat (born 19 September 1935) is a Spanish gymnast.
- Montserrat Artamendi
Montserrat Artamendi (born 17 September 1941) is a Spanish gymnast.
- Montserrat Marin
Montserrat Marin (born 5 October 1968) is a Spanish handball player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Montserrat Numerology: Name Montserrat has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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