What does the name Monaco mean? What is the meaning of the name Monaco
Meaning of Monaco: Name Monaco in the Italian origin, means A monk, or someone who is serving a monastery. Name Monaco is of Italian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Monaco are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Monaco (Namesakes)
- Kara Monaco
Kara Monaco (born February 26, 1983 in Lakeland, Florida) is an American model.
- Princess Stéphanie of Monaco
Princess Stéphanie of Monaco (Stéphanie Marie Elisabeth Grimaldi; born 1 February 1965) is the youngest child of Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, and the American actress Grace Kelly.
- Albert II, Prince of Monaco
Albert II (Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi; born 14 March 1958) is the reigning Prince of Monaco and head of the princely house of Grimaldi.
- Kelly Monaco
Kelly Marie Monaco (born May 23, 1976) is an American model, actress, and reality television personality, best known for her portrayal of Sam McCall on the ABC soap opera General Hospital and as the first season winner of the reality TV competition series Dancing with the Stars.
- Charlene, Princess of Monaco
Charlene, Princess of Monaco (née Charlene Lynette Wittstock; French: Charlène; born 25 January 1978) is a Zimbabwean-South African former Olympic swimmer and the Princess consort of Monaco as the wife of Prince Albert II.
The Princess was born in Bulawayo, Rhodesia (today Zimbabwe), the daughter of Michael and Lynette Wittstock, and the family relocated to South Africa in 1989.
- Louis Monaco
Louis "The Facelifter" Monaco (born April 28, 1968) is a professional boxer in the heavyweight division and the former CAM (Canadian American Mexican) heavyweight champion.
- Anthony Monaco
Anthony P. "Tony" Monaco (born October 10, 1959) is an American geneticist and the President of Tufts University since 2011.
- Lisa Monaco
Lisa Oudens Monaco (born February 25, 1968) is an American federal prosecutor who was the homeland security adviser to President Barack Obama; the chief counterterrorism advisor to the president, and a statutory member of the United States Homeland Security Council.
- Jacques, Hereditary Prince of Monaco
Jacques, Hereditary Prince of Monaco, Marquis of Baux (Jacques Honoré Rainier Grimaldi; born 10 December 2014), is the heir apparent to the Monegasque throne.
- 2019–20 AS Monaco FC season
The 2019–20 season is Monaco's seventh consecutive season in Ligue 1 since promotion from Ligue 2 in 2013.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Monaco Numerology: Name Monaco has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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