What does the name Modesto mean? What is the meaning of the name Modesto
Meaning of Modesto: Name Modesto in the Italian origin, means Mehuli derived from a sanskrit word that means a very small rainy cloud.. Name Modesto is of Italian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Modesto are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Modesto: Mehuli derived from a sanskrit word that means a very small rainy cloud.
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Famous people with name Modesto (Namesakes)
- Modesto Maidique
- François Modesto
François Joseph Modesto (born 19 August 1978) is a French former professional footballer.
- Francesco Modesto
Francesco Modesto (born 16 February 1982) is an Italian former footballer and coach.
- Modesto Soruco
Modesto Soruco Saucedo (born February 12, 1966 in San Ignacio de Velasco, Santa Cruz) is a retired Bolivian football defender who played for the Bolivia national team in Copa América 1991 and Copa América 1993.
- Ricardo Modesto da Silva
Ricardo Modesto da Silva (born January 20, 1979) is a former Brazilian football player.
- Aílton de Oliveira Modesto
Aílton de Oliveira Modesto (born February 27, 1980) is a former Brazilian football player.
- Modesto Seara Vázquez
Modesto Seara Vázquez «Allariz, September 11, 1931» jurist and academic, has lived in several countries (Spain, England, France, Germany) but has spent most of his life in Mexico.
- Modesto Roma Júnior
Modesto Roma Júnior (born 5 December 1952) is a Brazilian businessman of the communications industry, and was the current president of Santos FC for three years.
- Modesto Urrutibeazcoa
Modesto Urrutibeazcoa (born 29 September 1959) is a Spanish former professional racing cyclist.
- Thiago Modesto
Thiago Viana Modesto (born August 31, 1996) is a Brazilian singer, songwriter, blogger and musician.
- Claudio Modesto
Cláudio Modesto (born May 23, 1963) is a Brazilian pastor, politician, teacher and activist.
- Lucas Modesto
- Modesto Martínez
Modesto Martínez (born 18 February 1934) is a Mexican water polo player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Modesto Numerology: Name Modesto has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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