What does the name Mobley mean? What is the meaning of the name Mobley?
Meaning of Mobley: Name Mobley in the English origin, means From the clearing with the mound; A variant form of Moberley. Name Mobley is of English origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Mobley: From the clearing with the mound; A variant form of Moberley
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Famous people with name Mobley (Namesakes)
- Cuttino Mobley
Cuttino Rashawn Mobley (born September 1, 1975) is an American retired professional basketball player who played from 1998 to 2008 in the NBA.
- Singor Mobley
Singor A. Mobley (born October 12, 1972) is a former American football safety and linebacker in the National Football League and the Canadian Football League, for the Dallas Cowboys and Edmonton Eskimos.
- John Mobley
John Ulysses Mobley (born October 10, 1973 in Chester, Pennsylvania) is a former American Football linebacker who played eight seasons for the Denver Broncos from 1996 through 2003 in the National Football League.
- Eric Mobley
Eric Mobley (born February 1, 1970) is an American retired professional basketball player who was selected by the National Basketball Association's Milwaukee Bucks in the first round (18th overall) of the 1994 NBA Draft.
- Orson Mobley
Orson Odell Mobley (born March 4, 1963) is a former professional American football player who played tight end for five seasons for the Denver Broncos after being drafted in the sixth round.
- Leon Mobley
Leon Mobley (born February 27, 1961) is a percussionist and drummer, founder and artistic and musical director of Da Lion and Djimbe West African Drummers and Dancers and a member of the Innocent Criminals, Ben Harper's band.
- Vic Mobley
Victor John Mobley (born 11 October 1943) is an English former professional footballer who played in the Football League for Sheffield Wednesday and Queens Park Rangers.
- Annie Mobley
Annie Ward Mobley is a Democratic member of the North Carolina House of Representatives, representing the 5th district since her appointment in January 2007.
- Roger Mobley
Roger Lance Mobley (born January 16, 1949, in Evansville, Indiana) is a former child actor in the 1950s and 1960s who made more than one hundred television appearances and co-starred in nine feature films in a nine-year career.
- Sharif Mobley
Sharif Mobley (Arabic: شريف موبلي; born January 19, 1984) was initially arrested in Yemen January 26, 2010 by Yemeni counter-terrorism officers and charged with terrorism.
- Abduction of Kamiyah Mobley
Kamiyah Teresiah Tasha Mobley was abducted from a Florida hospital on July 10, 1998 when she was only eight hours old.
- Matt Mobley
Matt Mobley (born September 1, 1994) is an American professional basketball player for Fraport Skyliners of the Basketball Bundesliga (BBL).
- Evan Mobley
Evan Mobley (born June 18, 2001) is an American basketball player.
- Isaiah Mobley
Eric Isaiah Mobley (born September 24, 1999) is an American college basketball player for the USC Trojans of the Pac-12 Conference.
- Stacey Mobley
Stacey Mobley (born September 15, 1965) is a former American football wide receiver.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Mobley Numerology: Name Mobley has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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