What does the name Moana mean? What is the meaning of the name Moana
Meaning of Moana: Name Moana in the Samoan, Maori, Hawaiian, Polynesian origin, means Ocean or sea or Large body of water. Name Moana is of Samoan, Maori, Hawaiian, Polynesian origin and is a Girl name.
A variant transcription is Moanna. The name has been beloved in Polynesian communities (especially Hawaiian, Māori, and Samoan) for generations and gained worldwide popularity following the release of the 2016 Disney movie of Moana. Moana refers to the vast, life giving ocean that is central to the Polynesian communities way of life, the name reflects the deep connection these cultures have with the ocean.
In the Disney movie Moana, the Moana name represents her adventurous nature, deep bond with the ocean, and her personal journey of self-discovery.
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Famous people with name Moana (Namesakes)
- Moana Pito
Moana Fernand Pito (born 25 January 2000) is a Tahitian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for A.S. Tefana in the Tahiti Ligue 1.
- Moana (singer)
Moana Maree Maniapoto MNZM (born 22 June 1961) is a New Zealand singer, songwriter and documentary maker.
- Cheryl Moana Marie Nunes
Cheryl Moana Marie Nunes (born 17 May 1971 in Oregon, U.S.) is a television presenter, former Oakland Raiderette, beauty pageant winner, and musician.
- Martin Moana
- David Te Moana
David Te Moana (born 16 February 1982) is a New Zealand rugby union player who plays at prop.
- Moana Hope
Moana Hope (born 14 February 1988) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played in the AFL Women's competition from 2017 to 2019, including 13 matches over two seasons at Collingwood and a further seven matches over one season at North Melbourne.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Moana Numerology: Name Moana has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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