What does the name Moa mean? What is the meaning of the name Moa?
Meaning of Moa: Name Moa in the Spanish, Swedish origin, means Derived from the word 'Mehr' which means someone who is lovable, kind and friendly.. Name Moa is of Spanish, Swedish origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Moa: Derived from the word 'Mehr' which means someone who is lovable, kind and friendly.
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Famous people with name Moa (Namesakes)
- Anika Moa
Anika Rose Moa (born 21 May 1980) is a New Zealand recording artist and television presenter.
- Sam Moa
Samuela "Sam" Moa (born 14 August 1986) is a professional rugby league footballer who plays as a prop for the Catalans Dragons in the Super League.
- Taniela Moa
Taniela Moa (born 11 March 1985) is a Rugby union player.
- Moa Arimoto
Moa Arimoto (有本 もあ Arimoto Moa), born May 19, 1986 is a Japanese actress and model.
- Moa Hjelmer
Moa Elin Marianne Hjelmer (born 19 June 1990) is a Swedish athlete who competes in the 200 metres and 400 metres.
- Moa Lignell
Moa Lignell (born June 6, 1994 in Alingsås, Sweden) is a Swedish singer, who came in third place in Idol 2011.
- Moa Madicken Öberg
Moa Madicken Öberg, (born 10 January 1995) is a Swedish fashion model and beauty queen.
- Moa Kikuchi
Moa Kikuchi (菊地 最愛, Kikuchi Moa, born July 4, 1999) is a Japanese musician, singer, model, and actress.
- Moa Gammel
Moa Tuva Amanda Gammel, (born 6 October 1980) is a Swedish actress.
- Moa Högdahl
Moa Högdahl (born 14 March 1996) is a Norwegian handball player who plays for Viborg HK and the Norwegian national team.
- Moa Iwano
Moa Iwano (岩野桃亜 Iwano Moa, born March 20, 2004) is a Japanese figure skater.
- Moa Lundgren
Moa Lundgren (born 14 April 1998) is a Swedish cross-country skier who represents the club IFK Umeå.
- Moa Mua Maliepo
Moa Mua Maliepo (born 12 May 1996) is a New Zealand-born Romanian rugby union football player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Moa Numerology: Name Moa has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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