What does the name Misako mean? What is the meaning of the name Misako?
Meaning of Misako: Name Misako in the Japanese origin, means A fascinating child, beautiful sea or sand. Name Misako is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Misako are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Misako (Namesakes)
- Misako Tanaka
Misako Tanaka (田中美佐子, Tanaka Misako), née Misako Fukazawa (深沢美佐子, Fukazawa Misako, born 11 November 1959), is a Japanese actress.
- Misako Konno
Misako Konno (紺野 美沙子 Konno Misako), born Misako Shinoda (篠田 美佐子 Shinoda Misako, born September 8, 1960) is a Japanese actress and essayist.
- Misako Renbutsu
Misako Renbutsu (蓮佛 美沙子, Renbutsu Misako, born on February 27, 1991 in Tottori prefecture) is an actress in Japan.
- Misako Watanabe
Misako Watanabe (渡辺美佐子) (b.
- Misako Uno
Misako Uno (宇野実彩子, Uno Misako, born July 16, 1986) is a Japanese Tarento, artist, actress, essayist and talent agent best known as a female lead vocalist and dancer of the male and female performing arts group AAA. She is also the Middle manager of Avex Group, advertising manager of SHUFU TO SEIKATSU SHA (主婦と生活社) and public fasting Consultant of Japan Enzyme Hydrogen Medical Beauty Society (日本酵素・水素医療美容学会).
- Misako Yasuda
Misako Yasuda (安田 美沙子, Yasuda Misako, born April 21, 1982 in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan) is a Japanese actress and former gravure idol who is represented by the talent agency, Artist-house Pyramid.
- Misako Tamura
Misako Tamura (田村 美佐子, Tamura Misako, born 8 April 1934) is a Japanese former swimmer.
- Misako Aoki
Misako Aoki (Japanese: 青木 美沙子, Hepburn: Aoki Misako, born 3 June 1983) is a Japanese nurse, model, and President of the Japan Lolita Association for lolita fashion.
- Misako Katayama
Misako Katayama (片山 美佐子, Katayama Misako, born 11 April 1944) is a Japanese athlete.
- Misako Satake
Misako Satake (佐竹 美佐子, Satake Misako, born 19 January 1951) is a Japanese basketball player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Misako Numerology: Name Misako has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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