What does the name Misaki mean? What is the meaning of the name Misaki?
Meaning of Misaki: Name Misaki in the Japanese origin, means The beautiful newly-grown flower. Name Misaki is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Misaki are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Misaki (Namesakes)
- Misaki Ito
Misaki Ito (伊東 美咲, Itō Misaki) (born May 26, 1977) is a Japanese actress and model.
- Kazuo Misaki
Kazuo Misaki (born April 25, 1976) is a retired Japanese professional mixed martial artist.
- Misaki Sekiyama
Misaki Sekiyama (関山美沙紀, Sekiyama Misaki, born February 22) is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with 81 Produce.
- Misaki Doi
Misaki Doi (土居美咲, Doi Misaki, born 29 April 1991) is a Japanese professional tennis player.
- Misaki Iwasa
Misaki Iwasa (岩佐 美咲, Iwasa Misaki, born January 30, 1995 in Chiba Prefecture) is a former member of the Japanese idol group AKB48 and enka singer.
- Mitsuhiro Misaki
Mitsuhiro Misaki (見崎 充洋, Misaki Mitsuhiro, born May 6, 1970) is a former Japanese football player.
- Misaki Kobayashi
Misaki Kobayashi (小林海咲, Kobayashi Misaki, born 16 January 1990 in Tokyo) is a professional squash player who represents Japan.
- Misaki Ohata
Misaki Ohata (大畠 美咲, Ōhata Misaki, born January 5, 1989) is a retired Japanese professional wrestler, best known for her work while signed to the Zabun production company and its two promotions; Pro Wrestling Wave and Osaka Joshi Pro Wrestling.
- Misaki Matsutomo
Misaki Matsutomo (松友 美佐紀, Matsutomo Misaki, born 8 February 1992) is a Japanese badminton player who is a doubles specialist.
- Misaki Yamaguchi
Misaki Yamaguchi (山口 美咲, Yamaguchi Misaki, born January 20, 1990) is a Japanese swimmer, who specialized in freestyle events.
- Misaki Oshiro
Misaki Oshiro (大城 みさき, Oshiro Misaki, born May 22, 1984 in Naha, Okinawa) is a Japanese weightlifter.
- Misaki Momose
Misaki Momose (桃瀬 美咲, Momose Misaki, born 6 March 1993) is a Japanese actress and tarento, from the Okayama prefecture.
- Misaki Oshigiri
Misaki Oshigiri (押切 美沙紀) (born 29 September 1992) is a Japanese speed skater.
- Ayame Misaki
Ayame Misaki (水崎 綾女, Misaki Ayame, born April 26, 1989, in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese actress who is affiliated with Horipro.
- Misaki Onishi
Misaki Onishi (尾西 美咲, Onishi Misaki, born 24 February 1985) is a Japanese long-distance runner competing primarily in the 5000 metres.
- Hiromi Misaki
Hiromi Misaki (三崎 宏美, Misaki Hiromi, born August 13, 1976 in Fukui) is a Japanese sport shooter.
- Misaki Uemura
Misaki Uemura (上村 岬, Uemura Misaki, born October 28, 1991) is a Japanese football player.
- Misaki Amano
Misaki Amano (天野 実咲, Amano Misaki, born April 22, 1985) is a former Japanese football player.
- Misaki Kumakura
Misaki Kumakura (熊倉 美咲, Kumakura Misaki, born 29 March 1983) is a Japanese rower.
- Courtny
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Misaki Numerology: Name Misaki has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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