What does the name Miron mean? What is the meaning of the name Miron?
Meaning of Miron: Name Miron in the Hebrew origin, means A holy place of the Jews. Name Miron is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name. People with name Miron are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Miron (Namesakes)
- Miron Bleiberg
Miron Bleiberg (Hebrew: מירון בלייברג) is an Israeli-Australian football (soccer) manager.
- Mike Miron
Mike Miron (born September 11, 1980 in Capreol, Ontario) is a former professional box lacrosse goaltender.
- Jay Miron
Jay Lawrence McNeil Miron (born October 3, 1970 in Thunder Bay, Ontario) is a Canadian retired BMX athlete and former owner of MacNeil Bikes.
- Jeffrey Miron
Jeffrey Alan "Jeff" Miron (; born January 31, 1957) is an American economist.
- Mercina
- George Miron
- Rami Miron
Rami Miron (רמי מירון; also "Meron"; born January 17, 1957) is an Israeli former Olympic wrestler.
- Oxxxymiron
Miron Yanovich Fyodorov (Russian: Мирон Янович Фёдоров, born 31 January 1985 in Leningrad), better known by stage name Oxxxymiron is a Russian rapper.
- Marcel-Ioan Miron
Marcel-Ioan Miron (born 6 April 1982) is a Romanian tennis player.
- Miron Zuckerman
Miron Zuckerman (born June 6, 1945) is an American psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Rochester.
- Bogdan Florin Miron
- Eugenia Miron
Eugenia Miron (born 25 November 1992) is a Moldovan footballer who plays as a midfielder and has appeared for the Moldova women's national team.
- Brock Miron
Brock Miron (born 9 July 1980) is a Canadian speed skater.
- Oleg Miron
Oleg Miron (born: 21 January 1956) is a sailor from Hrodna, USSR who represented his country at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Busan, South Korea as a crew member in the Soling.
- Miron Muslic
Miron Muslic (born 14 September 1982) is a former Austrian professional footballer who played as a forward including for SV Ried in the Austrian Football Bundesliga.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Miron Numerology: Name Miron has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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