What does the name Miri mean? What is the meaning of the name Miri
Meaning of Miri: Name Miri in the Hebrew, Latin origin, means Latin - Lovely; Wonderful; To admire; Of Wondrous Beauty; Variant of Mira. Name Miri is of Hebrew, Latin origin and is a Girl name.
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Meaning and Origin
User Submited Meanings
Origin | Meaning | Gender |
Celtic | Miri means 'merriment, fun' in Cymraeg (Welsh). Although a girl's name, it is a grammatically masculine abstract noun. | Girl |
added by anonymous on Nov 07, 2023 from United Kingdom |
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Famous people with name Miri (Namesakes)
- Miri Ben-Ari
Miri Ben-Ari (Hebrew: מירי בן-ארי; born December 4, 1978) is an Israeli-American violinist.
- Miri Bohadana
Miri Bohadana (born October 12, 1977) is an Israeli actress, model and presenter.
- Miri Regev
Miriam "Miri" Regev (Hebrew: מִרְיָם "מִירִי" רֶגֶב; born Miriam Siboni on May 26, 1965) is an Israeli politician and a former Brigadier-general in the Israel Defense Forces, in which she served as IDF Spokeswoman.
- Miri Hanai
Miri Hanai (花井 美理, Hanai Miri, born October 15, 1984), is a Japanese gravure model.
- Miri Mesika
Miri Mesika (Hebrew: מירי מסיקה; born May 3, 1978) is an Israeli singer and actress.
- Miri Aloni
Miri Aloni (Hebrew: מירי אלוני; born December 25, 1949) is an Israeli folk-singer.
- Miri Yusif
Miri Yusif (born 27 October 1977 in Baku, Azerbaijani SSR, USSR), is an Azerbaijani rapper, singer-songwriter.
- Peyman Miri
Peyman Miri is an Iranian Football Forward who currently plays for Iranian football club Saipa in the Persian Gulf Pro League.
- Miri Shilon
Miri Shilon also known as Miriam Tzivion (born 19 June 1954) is an Israeli actress, television personality, journalist, producer and editor.
She was born and grew up in Kfar Shmuel on 19 June, 1954 with the birth name Miriam Tzivion.
- Ali Miri
- Angela Miri
Angela Freeman Miri is a Nigerian Professor who became the Vice Chancellor of Federal University, Lokoja in 2017.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Miri Numerology: Name Miri has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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