What does the name Mircea mean? What is the meaning of the name Mircea
Meaning of Mircea: Name Mircea in the Romanian origin, means A peace loving person, who brings peace. Name Mircea is of Romanian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Mircea are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Mircea (Namesakes)
- Mircea Geoană
Dan Mircea Geoană (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈmirt͡ʃe̯a ˈd͡ʒe̯o̯anə]; born 14 July 1958 in Bucharest) is a Romanian politician and former ambassador who served as president of the upper chamber of the Romanian Parliament, the Senate from 20 December 2008 until he was revoked on 23 November 2011.
- Mircea Snegur
Mircea Ion Snegur (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈmirt͡ʃe̯a iˈon ˈsneɡur]; born 17 January 1940) was the first President of Moldova from 1990–1997.
- Mircea Lucescu
Mircea Lucescu (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈmirt͡ʃe̯a luˈt͡ʃesku]; born 29 July 1945) is a Romanian football manager and former player who was most recently in charge of Turkey.
- Mircea Baniciu
Mircea Baniciu (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈmirt͡ʃe̯a baˈnit͡ʃʲu]; born 31 July 1949) is a Romanian musician, singer, and songwriter.
- Mircea Chelaru
Mircea Chelaru (born 3 July 1949) was a Romanian general and the last leader of the Romanian National Unity Party (PUNR) after Gheorghe Funar resigned as leader.
- Mircea Cărtărescu
Mircea Cărtărescu (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈmirt͡ʃe̯a kərtəˈresku]; born 1 June 1956) is a Romanian novelist, poet, short-story writer, literary critic and essayist.
- Mircea Sandu
Mircea Traian Sandu (born 22 October 1952 in Bucharest) is a retired Romanian footballer and president of the Romanian Football Federation.
- Mircea Șimon
Mircea Șimon (born January 22, 1954) is a retired Romanian heavyweight boxer.
- Mircea Oprea
Mircea Vasile Oprea (born 20 April 1980) is a Romanian former football player.
- Mircea Badea
Mircea Radu Badea (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈmirt͡ʃe̯a ˈradu ˈbade̯a]; born February 24, 1974 in Bucharest) is a Romanian political satirist, television host, media critic, radio personality and occasional actor.
- Mircea Bornescu
Mircea Bornescu (born 3 May 1980 in Bucharest) is a Romanian former footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Mircea Irimescu
Mircea Irimescu (born 13 May 1959) is a retired Romanian footballer who played for Universitatea Craiova.
- Mircea Monroe
Mircea Monroe (born March 11, 1982) is an American model and actress, known for her roles on the TV series Episodes as Morning Randolph (2011–2017), Hart of Dixie as Tansy Truitt (2011–2015), Impastor as Alexa Cummings (2015–2016) and Sing It! as Stacey Needles (2016).
- Mircea Brînzea
Mircea Brînzea (born January 25, 1986 in Bucharest, Romania) is a Romanian aerobic gymnast.
- Mircea Oaidă
Mircea Oaidă (born 20 February 1969) is a Romanian hurdler.
- Mircea Pavlov
Mircea Pavlov (born 14 September 1937) is a Romanian chess International Master (1977), three-times Romanian Chess Championship medalist (1962, 1980, 1984), European Team Chess Championship individual bronze medal winner (1973).
- Mircea Constantinescu
Mircea Constantinescu (born 5 April 1947) is a Romanian former footballer who played as a goalkeeper for Politehnica Iași, Dinamo București and SC Bacău.
- Mircea Stoenescu
Mircea Stoenescu (born 11 October 1943) is a Romanian former football defender and a referee.
- Mircea Popa
Mircea Popa (born 21 June 1962) is a Romanian former football right-back.
- Mircea Georgescu
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Mircea Numerology: Name Mircea has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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