What does the name Mio mean? What is the meaning of the name Mio
Meaning of Mio: Name Mio in the Japanese origin, means A beautiful cherry blossom, or a beautiful thread. Name Mio is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Mio are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Mio: A beautiful cherry blossom, or a beautiful thread
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Famous people with name Mio (Namesakes)
- Eddie Mio
Edward Dario Mio (born January 31, 1954 in Windsor, Ontario) is a former professional ice hockey goaltender who played in the World Hockey Association (WHA) for the Indianapolis Racers and Edmonton Oilers, and in the National Hockey League (NHL) for the Oilers, New York Rangers, and Detroit Red Wings.
- Atsushi Mio
Atsushi Mio (美尾 敦, Mio Atsushi, born January 26, 1983) is a former Japanese football player.
- Mio Shirai
Mio Shirai (紫雷 美央, Shirai Mio, born February 14, 1988) is a Japanese former professional wrestler and current professional wrestling referee.
- Mio Takaki
- Mio Tomonaga
Mio Tomonaga (朝長 美桜, Tomonaga Mio, May 17, 1998) is a Japanese idol singer, a member of the idol girl groups HKT48 and AKB48.
- Mio Takeuchi
Mio Takeuchi (竹内 実生, Takeuchi Mio, born March 8, 1985, in Tokushima Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese actress who is affiliated with Suns Entertainment.
- Mio Ootani
Mio Ootani (大谷 澪, Ōtani Mio, born July 13, 1992, in Neyagawa, Osaka Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese gravure idol who is affiliated with K-point.
- Mio Yūki
Mio Yūki (優希 美青, Yūki Mio, born April 5, 1999) is a Japanese actress, model and tarento from Fukushima Prefecture.
- Mio Otani
Mio Otani (大谷 未央, Ōtani Mio, born May 5, 1979) is a former Japanese football player.
- Mio Satō
Mio Satō (佐藤 澪, Satō Mio, born 12 February 1993) is a Japanese volleyball player who plays for the NEC Red Rockets.
- Mio Kudo
Mio Kudo (工藤 美桜, Kudō Mio, born October 8, 1999, in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese entertainer and model who is represented by Platinum Production.
- Mio Yamanaka
Mio Yamanaka (山中 美緒, Yamanaka Mio, born October 27, 1995) is a Japanese female rugby union player.
- Mio Matsumura
Mio Matsumura (松村 未央, Matsumura Mio, born 29 June 1986) is a Japanese female announcer for Fuji Television.
- Mio Imada
Mio Imada (今田 美桜, Imada Mio) is a Japanese actress and model.
- Mio Sugita
Mio Sugita (杉田 水脈 Sugita Mio, born April 22, 1967) is a Japanese politician.
- Mio Watanabe
Mio Watanabe (渡辺 弥生, Watanabe Mio, born September 2, 1979) is a Japanese women's professional shogi player ranked 1-dan.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Mio Numerology: Name Mio has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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