What does the name Mimi mean? What is the meaning of the name Mimi
Meaning of Mimi: Name Mimi in the German, French origin, means Germanic - Will; Desire; Helmet; Protection; Faithful Guard; A variant form of Mary; A diminutive of Miriam. Name Mimi is of German, French origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Mimi: Germanic - Will; Desire; Helmet; Protection; Faithful Guard; A variant form of Mary; A diminutive of Miriam
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Famous people with name Mimi (Namesakes)
- Mimi Rogers
Miriam "Mimi" Rogers (née Spickler; born January 27, 1956) is an American film and television actress, producer, and former professional poker player.
- Mimi Leder
Miriam Leder (; born January 26, 1952) is an American film and television director and producer noted for her action films and use of special effects.
- Mimi Walters
Marian Elaine "Mimi" Walters (née Krogius; born May 14, 1962) is an American businesswoman and politician.
- Mimi Gardner Gates
Mary "Mimi" Gates (née Gardner; born July 30, 1943) is an American art historian who is the recent Director of the Seattle Art Museum.
- Mimi Miyagi
Melody Damayo (born July 3, 1973) is a model, film director, and actress of Filipino descent best known as Mimi Miyagi.
In 2011, Complex magazine ranked her at #12 in their list of "The Top 50 Hottest Asian Porn Stars of All Time".
- Mimi Kennedy
Mary Claire "Mimi" Kennedy (born September 25, 1948) is an American actress, author, and activist, best known for her performances in television comedies.
- Mimi Gibson
Mimi Gibson (born October 19, 1948) is a former child actress.
- Mimi Kuzyk
Mimi Kuzyk (born February 21, 1952) is a Canadian actress.
- Mimi Michaels
Mimi Michaels (born February 22, 1983) is an American actress.
- Mimi Lesseos
Mimi Diane Lesseos (born February 25, 1964) is an American female professional wrestler, actress, model and stuntwoman best known by her ring name Magnificent Mimi.
- Mimi Alford
Marion Fay "Mimi" Alford (née Beardsley; born May 7, 1943) is an American woman who had an affair with President John F. Kennedy while she served as an intern in the White House press office in 1962 and 1963.
- Mimi Macpherson
Mimi Macpherson (born Miriam Frances Gow, 18 May 1967) is an Australian environmentalist, entrepreneur and celebrity.
- Mimi Chakraborty
Mimi Chakraborty (born 11 February 1989) is an Indian actress and politician.
- Afsana Mimi
Afsana Mimi (born 20 December 1968) is a Bangladeshi actress, model and director.
- Mimi Keene
Mimi Keene (born 5 August 1998) is an English actress.
- Mimi Faust
Oluremi Fela James (born January 3, 1972) known professionally as Mimi Faust, is a reality television personality who stars on the VH1 program Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta.
- Mimi Brănescu
Mimi Brănescu (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈmimi brəˈnesku]; born 31 March 1974) is a Romanian actor.
- Mimi Ndiweni
Mimi Ndiweni (born 31 August 1991) is a British-Zimbabwean actress, best known for playing Fringilla Vigo in Netflix's The Witcher, Tilly Brockless in the television series Mr Selfridge, and Ester/Jekasai in the stage production of The Convert at The Gate Theatre in London.
- Mimi Slinger
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Mimi Numerology: Name Mimi has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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