What does the name Miloslav mean? What is the meaning of the name Miloslav?
Meaning of Miloslav: Name Miloslav in the Slovak origin, means Favor or glory. Name Miloslav is of Slovak origin and is a Boy name. People with name Miloslav are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Miloslav (Namesakes)
- Miloslav Strnad
Miloslav Strnad (born 3 December 1981) is a Czech football player who currently plays for Táborsko.
- Miloslav Mečíř
Miloslav Mečíř (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈmilɔslaʊ̯ ˈmɛtʃiːɾ]; born 19 May 1964) is a former professional tennis player from Slovakia.
- Miloslav Vlček
Miloslav Vlček (born 1 February 1961) is a Czech politician who was the Member of the Czech Chamber of Deputies (MP) from 1996 to 2010.
- Miloslav Kousal
Miloslav Kousal (born 29 October 1978) is a Czech former football striker.
- Miloslav Navrátil
Miloslav Navrátil is a retired Czech professional darts player who plays in the Professional Darts Corporation events.
- Miloslav Mečíř Jr.
Miloslav Mečíř Jr. (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈmilɔslaʊ̯ ˈmɛtʃiːɾ]; born 20 January 1988) is a Slovak former tennis player.
- Miloslav Kordule
Miloslav Kordule (born 23 June 1968) is a Czech former football player.
- Miloslav Rolko
Miloslav Rolko (born 13 October 1960) is a Slovak former swimmer who swam for Czechoslovakia at the 1976 and 1980 Olympics.
- Miloslav Kejval
Miloslav Kejval (born 11 July 1973) is a Czech former cyclist.
- Miloslav Ludvík
Miloslav Ludvík (born 5 September 1963) is a Czech politician and Motol University Hospital director who served as Minister of Health from 2016 to 2017.
- Miloslav Rozner
Miloslav Rozner (born 29 March 1977) is a Czech politician and businessman who has been a member of the Chamber of Deputies since October 2017.
- Miloslav Sochor
Miloslav Sochor (born 8 January 1952) is a Czech alpine skier.
- Miloslav Paunović
Miloslav Paunović (born 20 April 1938) is a Serbian boxer.
- Miloslav Popović
Miloslav Popović (born 9 August 1952) is a Yugoslav boxer.
- Miloslav Netušil
Miloslav Netušil (born 20 February 1946) is a Czech gymnast.
- Miloslav Samardžić
Miloslav Samardžić (Serbian Cyrillic: Милослав Самарџић; born 22 November 1963) is a Serbian author and historian specializing in modern and contemporary Serbian and Balkan history.
- Miloslav Kučeřík
Miloslav Kučeřík (born 22 June 1959) is a Czech gymnast.
- Miloslav Švaříček
Miloslav Švaříček (born 14 February 1942) is a Czech skier.
- Miloslav Machálek
Miloslav Machálek (born 20 July 1961) is a Czech professional football manager who is the manager of Czech 2.
- Miloslav Kolařík
Miloslav Kolařík (born 20 April 1942) is a Czech weightlifter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Miloslav Numerology: Name Miloslav has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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