What does the name Milorad mean? What is the meaning of the name Milorad
Meaning of Milorad: Name Milorad in the Serbian origin, means A graceful joy or care. Name Milorad is of Serbian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Milorad are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Milorad (Namesakes)
- Milorad Žižić
Milorad Žižić (born 1 December 1986), nicknamed Mićko, is a Montenegrin boxer.
- Milorad Dodik
Milorad Dodik (Serbian Cyrillic: Милорад Додик, pronounced [mîloraːd dǒdik]; born 12 March 1959) is a Bosnian Serb politician, currently serving as the Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the collective federal head of state.
- Milorad Čavić
Milorad "Milo" Čavić (Serbian Cyrillic: Милорад Чавић, pronounced [mîloraːd tʃǎːʋitɕ]; born May 31, 1984) is a Serbian former professional swimmer.
- Milorad Peković
Milorad "Peko" Peković (Montenegrin and Serbian Cyrillic: Милорад "Пеко" Пековић; born 5 August 1977) is a Montenegrin former international footballer.
- Milorad Kosanović
Milorad Kosanović (Serbian Cyrillic: Милорад Косановић, pronounced [mîlorad kosǎːnoʋitɕ]; born 4 January 1951) is a Serbian former football player and manager of Radnički Niš.
- Milorad Bilbija
Milorad Bilbija (Serbian Cyrillic: Милорад Билбија; born 17 July 1964) is a retired Bosnian professional footballer who played as a defender and current football coach.
- Milorad Ratković
Milorad Ratković (Serbian Cyrillic: Милорад Paткoвић; born 11 October 1964 in Zenica) is a former Bosnian-Herzegovinian football player.
- Milorad Trbić
Milorad Trbić (born 22 February 1958) is a Bosnian Serb who served as an Assistant Commander for Security with the Zvornik Brigade of the Army of Republika Srpska.
- Milorad Bajović
Milorad Bajović (Cyrillic: Милорад Бајовић; born 2 February 1964) is a Montenegrin football manager and former player.
- Milorad Janković
Milorad Janković (born 10 August 1940) is a Yougoslav former footballer who played at both professional and international levels as a striker.
- Milorad Ulemek
Milorad Ulemek (Serbian: Милорад Улемек; born 15 March 1968), also known as Milorad Luković (Милорад Луковић) and "Legija" ("Legion"), is a Serbian former commander of the Serbian police special unit, the Special Operations Unit (JSO) and a former paramilitary commander, who was convicted of the assassinations of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić and former Serbian President Ivan Stambolić.
- Milorad Pupovac
Milorad Pupovac (born 5 November 1955) is a politician and linguist from Croatia.
- Milorad Mažić
Milorad Mažić (Serbian Cyrillic: Милорад Мажић, pronounced [mǐlorad mǎʒitɕ]; born 23 March 1973) is a Serbian international association football referee.
- Milorad Pejić
Milorad Pejić (born April 8, 1960 in Tuzla, Bosnia, former Yugoslavia) is a Bosnian poet who resides in Lund, Sweden.
- Milorad Balabanović
Milorad Balabanović (Serbian Cyrillic: Милорад Балабановић; born 18 January 1990) is a Serbia football midfielder who plays for Serbian SuperLiga club FK Proleter Novi Sad.
- Milorad Savić
Milorad Savić (Serbian Cyrillic: Милорад Савић; born 27 June 1991) is a Serbian football defender who plays for Prva Petoletka in Serbian League East, on loan from Radnik Surdulica.
- Milorad Kukoski
Milorad Kukoski (born 7 December 1987) is a Macedonian handball player who plays for RK Eurofarm Pelister and for the Macedonia national handball team.
- Milorad Vučelić
Milorad Vučelić (Serbian Cyrillic: Милорад Вучелић; born 17 June 1948) is a Serbian journalist and businessman.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Milorad Numerology: Name Milorad has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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