What does the name Milka mean? What is the meaning of the name Milka
Meaning of Milka: Name Milka in the Hebrew origin, means An empress, or a queen. Name Milka is of Hebrew origin and is a Girl name. People with name Milka are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Milka: An empress, or a queen
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Famous people with name Milka (Namesakes)
- Milka Duno
Milka Duno (born April 22, 1972) is a Venezuelan race car driver who competed in the IndyCar Series, and competes in the ARCA Racing Series.
- Milka Chulina
Milka Yelisava Chulina Urbanich (born January 6, 1974 in Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela) is a Venezuelan actress, model and Miss Venezuela 1992 winner, second runner-up at Miss Universe 1993 and Top 15 semifinalist at Miss International 1994.
- Milka Loff Fernandes
Milka Loff Fernandes (born 19 June 1980 in Hamburg) is a German TV presenter and actress of Cape Verdean descent.
- Milka-Emilia Pasanen
Milka-Emilia Pasanen (born 31 May 1997 in Pieksämäki) is a Finnish tennis player.
- Milka Bjelica
Milka Bjelica (Serbian Cyrillic: Милка Бјелица; born 22 Juny 1981 in Belgrade, SFR Yugoslavia) is Montenegrin former women's basketball player.
- Milka Reponen
Milka Reponen (born 31 March 1991) is a Finnish ski orienteering competitor.
She won a gold medal in the middle distance at the 2015 World Ski Orienteering Championships.
- Milka Tancheva
Milka Tancheva (born 30 August 1982) is a Bulgarian rower.
- Milka Kraljev
Milka Kraljev (born 8 November 1982) is an Argentine rower.
- Milka Silva
Milka Marcília Medeiros Silva (born 18 July 1994) is a Brazilian indoor volleyball player.
- Lidia Milka-Wieczorkiewicz
Lidia Anna Milka-Wieczorkiewicz (born 29 May 1956 in Niegoszowice) is a Polish historian and diplomat, ambassador to Algeria (2006–2011) and Tunisia (since 2016).
- Dominykas Milka
Dominykas Milka (born 1 August 1992) is an Lithuanian-American professional basketball player for Keflavík of the Icelandic Úrvalsdeild karla.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Milka Numerology: Name Milka has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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