What does the name Milica mean? What is the meaning of the name Milica
Meaning of Milica: Name Milica in the Slavic, Czech origin, means A graceful lady, An alluring one. Name Milica is of Slavic, Czech origin and is a Girl name. People with name Milica are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Milica (Namesakes)
- Milica Pap
Milica Pap (born December 14, 1973, in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia) is a classical pianist of Bosnian-Herzegovinian, Serbian and Croatian descent.
- Milica Majstorović
Milica Majstorović (Serbian: Милица Мајсторовић; born 9 October 1989) is a Serbian singer.
- Milica Dabović
Milica Dabović (Serbian Cyrillic: Милица Дабовић, born 16 February 1982) is a Serbian former professional women's basketball player.
- Milica Mijatović
Milica Mijatović is a Serbian football striker currently playing for Melbourne City FC in Australian W-League and Melbourne City in the Australian W-League.
- Milica Simić
Milica Simić (Serbian: Милица Симић; 14 July 1993 ) is a Serbian badminton player.
- Milica Jovanović
Milica Jovanović (Serbian: Милица Јовановић; born August 14, 1989) is Montenegrin female basketball player, currently playing for Luleå Basket in Basketligan dam.
- Milica Pavlović
Milica Pavlović (pronounced [ˌmîlitsa ˈpǎːʋloʋitɕ]; born 11 August 1991) is a Swiss-born Serbian singer.
- Milica Mićović
Milica Mićović (Serbian Cyrillic: Милица Мићовић, born 24 August 1984 in Mladenovac, SFR Yugoslavia) is a Serbian female basketball player.
- Milica Starović
Milica Starović (Serbian Cyrillic: Милица Старовић, born 19 May 1988 in Novi Sad, Serbia) is a Serbian female sprint canoer.
- Milica Deura
Milica Deura (born July 22, 1990 in Knin, SFR Yugoslavia) is a Bosnian women's basketball player.
- Milica Špikić
Milica Špikić (Serbian Cyrillic: Милица Шпикић, born 28 March 1991 in Jagodina, SFR Yugoslavia) is a former Serbian professional basketball player.
- Milica Todorović
Milica Todorović (born 13 October 1990) is a Serbian singer and actress.
- Milica Gardašević
Milica Gardašević (Serbian Cyrillic: Милица Гардашевић; born 28 August 1998) is a Serbian athlete specialising in the long jump.
- Milica Kostić
Milica Kostić (born 21 December 1997) is a Serbian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper and has appeared for the Serbia women's national team.
- Milica Vulić
Milica Vulić (Serbian Cyrillic: Милица Вулић; born 27 January 1996) is a Montenegrin footballer who plays as a midfielder and has appeared for the Montenegro women's national team.
- Milica Stanković
Milica Stanković (Serbian Cyrillic: Милица Станковић; born 4 March 1991) is a Serbian footballer who plays as a forward and has appeared for the Serbia women's national team.
- Ptolemeos
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Milica Numerology: Name Milica has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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