What does the name Mila mean? What is the meaning of the name Mila
Meaning of Mila: Name Mila in the Slavic, Russian origin, means A Gracious or a beautiful dear. Name Mila is of Slavic, Russian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Mila are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Mila (Namesakes)
- Mila Mulroney
Milica "Mila" Mulroney (Serbian Cyrillic: Милица "Мила" Пивнички – Milica "Mila" Pivnički; born July 13, 1953) is the wife of the 18th Prime Minister of Canada, Brian Mulroney.
- Mila Kunis
Milena Markovna "Mila" Kunis (; Ukrainian: Мілена Марківна Куніс; Russian: Милена Марковна Кунис; born August 14, 1983) is an American actress.
- Mila del Sol
Clarita Villarba Rivera, better known by her screen name Mila del Sol (born May 12, 1923), is a Filipina actress, entrepreneur and philanthropist.
- Sebastian Mila
Sebastian Mila (born 10 July 1982) is a Polish former footballer who played as an attacking midfielder for clubs including; Lechia Gdańsk, Dyskobolia Grodzisk Wielkopolski and Śląsk Wrocław.
- Mila Mason
Mila Mason (born August 22, 1963) is an American country music artist.
- Mila Jam
- Mila Kajas
Mila Johanna Kajas (born 30 January 1972) is a Finnish former competitive figure skater.
- Mila Andrić
Mila Andrić (Serbian Cyrillic: Мила Андрић, born 1 March 1990 in Belgrade, SR Serbia, Yugoslavia) is a Serbian hurdler who specialises and holds the Serbian national record for the 400 metres hurdles.
- Mila J
Jamila Akiko Aba Chilombo (born November 18, 1983), known as Mila J, is an American singer, songwriter, rapper and dancer.
- Mila Hermanovski
Mila Hermanovski (born May 11, 1969) is an American costume designer and fashion designer best known for modernist womenswear.
- Mila Marinova
Mila Marinova (Bulgarian: Мила Маринова; born June 3, 1974) is a Bulgarian rhythmic gymnast.
- Jessica Mila
Jessica Mila (born August 3, 1992) is a model and actress from Indonesia.
- Mila Miletic
Mila Miletic (Serbian: Mila Miletić / Мила Милетић, born 5 August 1991 in Jagodina) is a Serbian fashion model.
- Mila Ximénez
Milagros Ximénez de Cisneros Rebollo (born 21 May 1952 in Seville) is a Spanish journalist, writer, gossip columnist, and television personality.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Mila Numerology: Name Mila has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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