What does the name Miho mean? What is the meaning of the name Miho
Meaning of Miho: Name Miho in the Croatian origin, means Croatian form of Michael, meaning who is like God.. Name Miho is of Croatian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Miho are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Miho: Croatian form of Michael, meaning who is like God.
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Famous people with name Miho (Namesakes)
- Miho Bošković
Miho Bošković (born 11 January 1983) is a Croatian professional water polo player.
- Miho Komatsu
Miho Komatsu (小松 未歩, Komatsu Miho) is a former Japanese pop singer and songwriter with the Giza studio label.
- Miho Obana
Miho Obana (小花 美穂, Obana Miho, born April 26, 1970) is a shōjo manga artist born in Tokyo, Japan.
- Miho Fujima
Miho Fujima (藤真 美穂, Fujima Miho, born 29 November 1978) is a Japanese actress.
- Miho Nakayama
- Miho Kanno
Miho Kanno (菅野 美穂, Kanno Miho, born August 22, 1977) is a Japanese actress and J-Pop singer.
- Miho Morikawa
Miho Morikawa (森川美穂, Morikawa Miho, born May 5, 1968, Osaka Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese singer and model.
- Miho Shiraishi
Miho Shiraishi (白石 美帆, Shiraishi Miho, born August 8, 1978) is a Japanese actress from Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan.
- Miho Fukuhara
Miho Fukuhara (福原 美穂, Fukuhara Miho) is a Japanese pop star who made an independent label debut in 2006, releasing a single titled "The Roots" and mini-album titled Step Out.
- Miho Miyazaki
Miho Miyazaki (宮崎 美穂, Miyazaki Miho, born July 30, 1993) is a singer, actress and member of the Japanese idol girl group AKB48 where she is a part of Team A .She also participated in the Korean-Japanese show Produce 48.
- Miho Arakawa
- Jun Miho
Jun Miho (美保 純, Miho Jun, born 4 August 1960) is a Japanese actress.
- Miho Karasawa
Miho Karasawa (唐沢 美帆, Karasawa Miho, born July 15, 1983) is a Japanese singer from Tokyo who was previously signed to Horipro and is currently signed to Lantis.
- Miho Ohwada
Miho Ohwada (大和田 美帆, Ōwada Miho, born August 22, 1983) is a Japanese actress who is represented by the talent agency Staff-plus.
- Miho Nishida
Nishida Miho (born December 16, 1992) is a Filipino-born Japanese television personality, who became the Big Winner of the second batch of Pinoy Big Brother: 737 housemates in 2015.
- Miho Yoshioka
Miho Yoshioka (吉岡 美帆, Yoshioka Miho, born 27 August 1990) is a Japanese competitive sailor.
- Miho Yoshioka (tarento)
Miho Yoshioka (吉岡 美穂, Yoshioka Miho, born 3 February 1980) is a Japanese tarento, actress, and former gravure idol.
- Miho Nonaka
Miho Nonaka (野中 生萌, Nonaka Mihō, born May 21, 1997) is a Japanese competition boulderer.
Her father and sister introduced her to climbing when she was 9, and she competed in her first world cup aged 17.
- Miho Okasaki
Miho Okasaki (岡咲 美保, Okasaki Miho, born November 22, 1998) is a Japanese voice actress from Okayama Prefecture who is affiliated with I'm Enterprise.
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Magha Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Miho Numerology: Name Miho has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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