What does the name Mihaela mean? What is the meaning of the name Mihaela
Meaning of Mihaela: Name Mihaela in the Hebrew origin, means there is none like the creator of this world.. Name Mihaela is of Hebrew origin and is a Girl name. People with name Mihaela are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Mihaela: there is none like the creator of this world.
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Famous people with name Mihaela (Namesakes)
- Mihaela Stănuleț
Mihaela Stănuleţ (born 16 July 1967) is a retired Romanian artistic gymnast who competed internationally between 1979 and 1984.
- Mihaela Ciobanu
Mihaela Ciobanu (born 30 January 1973 in Bucharest) is a retired Romanian-born Spanish handball goalkeeper, who played on the Spanish women's national team.
- Mihaela Pohoață
Mihaela Pohoaţă (born 28 October 1981 in Fălticeni, Romania) is a Romanian aerobic gymnast.
- Mihaela Buzărnescu
Mihaela Buzărnescu (born 4 May 1988) is a professional tennis player from Romania.
- Mihaela Băbeanu
Mihaela Băbeanu (née Smedescu; born 1 March 1986 in Slatina, Romania) is a Romanian handballer who plays for the club HCM Râmnicu Vâlcea.
- Mihaela Burtică
Adriana Mihaela Burtică (born 29 July 1976) is a Romanian football defender, currently playing for CS Brazi in the Romanian First League.
- Mihaela Popa
Mihaela Popa (born April 16, 1962) is a politician from Romania.
- Mihaela Neacșu
Mihaela Silvia Neacşu (born May 3, 1979 in Craiova) is a Romanian middle distance runner.
- Mihaela Rădulescu
Mihaela Rădulescu (born 3 August 1969) is a Romanian businesswoman, television presenter, and socialite.
- Mihaela Fileva
Mihaela Fileva (Bulgarian: Михаела Филева) (born May 15, 1991) is a Bulgarian singer.
- Mihaela Marinova
Mihaela Marinova (Bulgarian: Михаела Маринова; born 7 May 1998) is a Bulgarian singer and songwriter mostly known from her participation in the 2014 season of the Bulgarian X Factor, where she finished in third place.
- Mihaela Formagiu
Mihaela Formagiu (born (1974-11-09)9 November 1974) is a retired Romanian female volleyball player.
- Mihaela Albu
Mihaela Albu (born (1994-01-01)1 January 1994) is a Romanian female volleyball player.
- Mihaela Petrilă
Mihaela Petrilă (born 7 May 1991) is a Romanian rower.
- Mihaela Sandu
Mihaela Sandu (born 19 February 1977) is a Romanian chess player who holds the title of Woman Grandmaster (WGM, 2008).
- Mihaela Cârstoi
Mihaela Cârstoi (born 24 February 1970) is a Romanian biathlete.
- Mihaela Gheorghiu
Mihaela Gheorghiu (born 5 November 1971) is a Romanian athlete.
- Mihaela Horvat
Mihaela Horvat (born 21 March 1994) is a Croatian footballer who plays as a midfielder and has appeared for the Croatia women's national team.
- Mihaela Ciolacu
Mihaela Ciolacu (born 12 August 1998) is a Romanian footballer who plays as a midfielder and has appeared for the Romania women's national team.
- Mihaela Lulea
Mihaela Cristina Lulea (born 5 September 1981) is a Romanian paracanoeist and former para table tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Mihaela Numerology: Name Mihaela has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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