What does the name Miha mean? What is the meaning of the name Miha
Meaning of Miha: Name Miha in the Biblical, Slovene origin, means 'Who is like God?'. Miha is the short form of Mihael.. Name Miha is of Biblical, Slovene origin and is a Boy name. People with name Miha are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Miha: 'Who is like God?'. Miha is the short form of Mihael.
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Famous people with name Miha (Namesakes)
- Miha Zupan
Miha Zupan (born September 13, 1982) is a Slovenian professional basketball player for KD Slovan of the third division .
- Miha Kline
Miha Kline (born 26 March 1980) is a retired Slovenian football midfielder.
- Miha Šporar
Miha Šporar (born 31 July 1972) is a retired Slovenian footballer.
- Nikorima Te Miha
Nikorima Te Miha (born 1 January 1980) in Cook Islands is a footballer who plays as a Forward.
- Miha Mevlja
Miha Mevlja (born 12 June 1990) is a Slovenian professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for Sochi.
- Miha Žvižej
Miha Žvižej (born 6 November 1987) is a professional handball player from Slovenia.
- Miha Verlič
Miha Verlič (born 21 August 1991) is a Slovenian professional ice hockey forward currently playing for the EC VSV of the Austrian Hockey League (EBEL).
- Miha Zajc
- Miha Lapornik
Miha Lapornik (born October 18, 1993) is a Slovenian professional basketball player for Pieno žvaigždės of the Lithuanian Basketball League.
- Miha Goropevšek
Miha Goropevšek (born 12 March 1991) is a professional Slovenian football defender who plays for Dinamo Minsk.
- Miha Zarabec
Miha Zarabec (born 12 October 1991) is a Slovenian handball player for THW Kiel and the Slovenian national team.
He competed at the 2016 European Men's Handball Championship.
- Miha Ivanič
Miha Ivanič (born 22 May 1998) is a Slovenian badminton player.
- Miha Bregar
Miha Bregar (born (1993-10-25)25 October 1993) is a Slovenian male volleyball player.
- Miha Dovžan
Miha Dovžan (born 22 January 1994) is a Slovenian biathlete.
- Miha Šimenc
Miha Šimenc (born 21 December 1995) is a Slovenian cross-country skier.
- Miha Hrobat
Miha Hrobat (born 3 February 1995) is a Slovenian alpine skier who competes internationally.
He participated in the 2018 Winter Olympics.
- Miha Lokar
Miha Lokar (born 10 September 1935) is a Slovenian former basketball player.
- Miha Kralj
Miha Kralj (Slovene: [míha králj]; born 22 August 1949) is a Slovene composer, singer, performer and record producer.
- Miha Škedelj
Miha Škedelj (born May 29, 1999 in Novo Mesto, Slovenia) is a Slovenian professional basketball player for Krka of the Slovenian League.
- Miha Rihtar
Miha Rihtar (born 4 March 1981) is a Slovenian ski jumper.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Miha Numerology: Name Miha has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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