What does the name Micky mean? What is the meaning of the name Micky?
Meaning of Micky: Name Micky in the Hebrew origin, means Beloved angel of the God. Name Micky is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name. People with name Micky are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Micky (Namesakes)
- Micky Quinn
Michael Quinn (born 2 May 1962) is an English retired professional footballer.
- Micky Droy
- Micky Horswill
- Micky Dolenz
George Michael Dolenz Jr. (born March 8, 1945) is an American actor, musician, television director, radio personality and theater director, best known as a vocalist and drummer of the 1960s pop/rock band The Monkees.
- Micky Arison
Micky Arison (born June 29, 1949) is an Israeli-American businessman and chairman of Carnival Corporation, the world's largest cruise operator.
- Micky Adams
Michael Richard Adams (born 8 November 1961) is an English former professional footballer and football manager.
- Micky Quinn
Michael Quinn (born 2 May 1962) is an English retired professional footballer.
- Micky Droy
- Micky Horswill
- Micky Mellon
Michael Joseph Mellon (born 18 March 1972) is a Scottish former professional footballer and current manager of League One club Tranmere Rovers.
- Micky Moody
Michael Joseph Moody (born 30 August 1950) is an English guitarist, and a former member of the rock bands Juicy Lucy and Whitesnake.
- Micky Hazard
Micky Hazard, sometimes spelled Mickey, (born 5 February 1960) is an English former professional footballer who played as a central midfielder.
- Micky Gynn
- Micky Green
Michaela Maree Gehrmann (born 28 June 1984), who performs as Micky Green, is an Australian-born blues and pop singer-songwriter.
- Micky Hoogendijk
Micky Hoogendijk (born 8 July 1970) is a Dutch actress, presenter, model and professional photographer.
- Micky Jagtiani
Mukesh Wadhumal "Micky" Jagtiani (born 15 August 1952 in Kuwait) is an Indian Emirati billionaire businessman, based in the UAE, and owner of the Dubai-based Landmark retail stores group.
- Micky Flanagan
Michael John Flanagan (born 7 October 1962) is an English comedian.
- Micky Ward
George Michael Ward Jr. (born October 4, 1965), often known by his nickname of "Irish" Micky Ward, is an Irish-American former professional boxer who competed from 1985 to 2003.
- Micky Engwell
Michael Leonard Engwell (born 27 September 1966) is a former English footballer who played as a defender and a forward.
- Micky Dolenz
George Michael Dolenz Jr. (born March 8, 1945) is an American actor, musician, television director, radio personality and theater director, best known as a vocalist and drummer of the 1960s pop/rock band The Monkees.
- Micky Arison
Micky Arison (born June 29, 1949) is an Israeli-American businessman and chairman of Carnival Corporation, the world's largest cruise operator.
- Micky Mellon
Michael Joseph Mellon (born 18 March 1972) is a Scottish former professional footballer and current manager of League One club Tranmere Rovers.
- Micky Moody
Michael Joseph Moody (born 30 August 1950) is an English guitarist, and a former member of the rock bands Juicy Lucy and Whitesnake.
- Micky Hazard
Micky Hazard, sometimes spelled Mickey, (born 5 February 1960) is an English former professional footballer who played as a central midfielder.
- Micky Gynn
- Micky Green
Michaela Maree Gehrmann (born 28 June 1984), who performs as Micky Green, is an Australian-born blues and pop singer-songwriter.
- Micky Hoogendijk
Micky Hoogendijk (born 8 July 1970) is a Dutch actress, presenter, model and professional photographer.
- Micky Jagtiani
Mukesh Wadhumal "Micky" Jagtiani (born 15 August 1952 in Kuwait) is an Indian Emirati billionaire businessman, based in the UAE, and owner of the Dubai-based Landmark retail stores group.
- Micky Flanagan
Michael John Flanagan (born 7 October 1962) is an English comedian.
- Micky Ward
George Michael Ward Jr. (born October 4, 1965), often known by his nickname of "Irish" Micky Ward, is an Irish-American former professional boxer who competed from 1985 to 2003.
- Micky Engwell
Michael Leonard Engwell (born 27 September 1966) is a former English footballer who played as a defender and a forward.
- Enota
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Micky Numerology: Name Micky has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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