What does the name Michela mean? What is the meaning of the name Michela?
Meaning of Michela: Name Michela in the Hebrew origin, means The dearest messenger of God. Name Michela is of Hebrew origin and is a Girl name. People with name Michela are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Michela (Namesakes)
- Michela Balducci
- Michela Murgia
Michela Murgia (born 3 June 1972) is an Italian novelist and politician.
- Michela Pavin
- Michela Maltese
- Michela Figini
Michela Figini (born 7 April 1966) is a former World Cup alpine ski racer from Switzerland.
- Michela Quattrociocche
Michela Quattrociocche (born December 3, 1988) is an Italian film actress.
- Michela Cerruti
Michela Cerruti (born 18 February 1987) is an Italian racing driver, currently competing in the TCR International Series, with Mulsanne Racing.
- Michela Miti
Michela Miti (born Michela Macaluso; June 12, 1963) is an Italian actress and television presenter
In the years 1979–80 she hosted the first edition of the Italian kid television show 3,2,1 … contatto!.
- Michela Zanetti
Michela Zanetti (born 25 April 1991) is an Italian football forward, who most recently played for Pordenone in Serie B.
- Michela Guzzetti
Michela Guzzetti (born 29 April 1992) is an Italian swimmer.
- Michela Greco
Michela Greco (born 27 July 1983) is an Italian football midfielder who played in the Serie A for clubs including ASDF Riviera di Romagna, ASD Fiammamonza, ASDC Chiasiellis and ACF Milan.
- Michela Brunelli
Michela Brunelli (born 5 July 1974 in Bussolengo) is an Italian paralympic athlete who won a silver medal at the 2008 Summer Paralympics.
- Michela Cescon
Michela Cescon (born 13 April 1971) is an Italian actress.
- Michela Moioli
Michela Moioli (born 17 July 1995) is an Italian snowboarder.
- Michela Montevecchi
Michela Antonia Montevecchi (born April 21, 1971) is an Italian politician.
She was elected to the Senate in the seventeenth Legislature with the 5 Star Movement in 2013, as the leading candidate of the district of Emilia Romagna.
She was re-elected to the Senate in the eighteenth Legislature with the 5 Star Movement in 2018.
- Michela Pace
Michela Pace (born 25 January 2001) is a Maltese singer who won the inaugural season of Malta's version of The X Factor in 2019.
- Michela Luci
Michela Luci (born May 19, 2006) is a Canadian child actress, hailing from Ancaster, Ontario, most noted as the leading role of Dino Dana.
- Michela Suppo
Michela Suppo (born 20 September 1971) is an Italian sports shooter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Michela Numerology: Name Michela has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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