What does the name Micaela mean? What is the meaning of the name Micaela
Meaning of Micaela: Name Micaela in the Hebrew, English, Israeli, Italian, Spanish origin, means Hebrew - Who is like God; A variation of Michaela. Name Micaela is of Hebrew, English, Israeli, Italian, Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Micaela are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Micaela (Namesakes)
- Micaela Reis
Micaela Patrícia Reis (born December 21, 1988) is an Angolan actress, TV Host, model and beauty queen who was a Top 10 finalist at Miss Universe 2007 and placed first runner-up to Miss World 2007, becoming Miss World Africa.
- Micaela Nevárez
Micaela Nevárez (born January 1, 1972 in Carolina, Puerto Rico) is a Puerto Rican actress who has appeared in independent and European films.
- Micaela Vázquez
Micaela Belén Vázquez (born November 24, 1986) is an Argentine actress.
- Micaela Wilson
Micaela Wilson (born 3 November 1992 in Melbourne, Australia) is an Australian netball player.
- Micaela Ramazzotti
Micaela Ramazzotti (born 17 January 1979) is an Italian actress.
- Micaela Schäfer
Micaela Schäfer (born November 1, 1983) is a German actress, nude model, TV presenter, disc jockey and singer.
She was Miss East Germany 2004, Miss Venus 2005, The Face of Campari 2005, and Miss Maxim 2006.
- Micaela Aguilar González
Micaela Aguilar González (born 29 September 1955) is a Mexican politician affiliated with the National Action Party.
- Micaela Navarro
Micaela Navarro (born 2 September 1956) is a Spanish politician who was President of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party since 2014 until 2016.
- Micaela Suárez
Micaela Belén Suárez (born 28 January 2000) is an Argentine badminton player.
- Micaela Imperatori
Micaela Imperatori (born April 28, 1972 in Rome) is a retired Italian rhythmic gymnast.
- Micaela Casasola
Micaela Casasola (born 17 March 1997) is an Argentine handball player for Club Atlético Vélez Sarsfield and the Argentine national team.
She competed as a junior at the 2014 IHF Women's Junior World Championship in Mazedonia.
- Alyssa Micaela
Alyssa Micaela is an American country music singer and songwriter from Odessa, Texas.
- Micaela Castain
Micaela Castain Serrano (born 11 February 1992) is a Puerto Rican international footballer who plays for the Puerto Rico national team.
- Micaela Diamond
Micaela Diamond (born July 17, 1999) is an American actor and singer who is best known for originating the role of Babe in the Broadway musical, The Cher Show.
- Micaela Bouter
Micaela Bouter (born 27 October 1995) is a South African diver.
- Micaela Retegui
Micaela Retegui (born 23 April 1996) is an Argentinian field hockey player.
- Micaela Esdra
Micaela Esdra (born Micaela Carmosino, 29 January 1952) is an Italian stage actress, film actress and dubber.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Micaela Numerology: Name Micaela has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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