What does the name Micael mean? What is the meaning of the name Micael?
Meaning of Micael: Name Micael in the Hebrew origin, means who is like Yaweh. Name Micael is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name. People with name Micael are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Micael (Namesakes)
- Micael Lundmark
Micael Lundmark (born 27 September 1986) is a Swedish snowboarder.
- Rúben Micael
Rúben Micael Freitas da Ressureição (born 19 August 1986), known as Micael, is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays for C.D. Nacional as a midfielder.
- André Micael
André Micael Pereira (born 4 February 1989), known as Micael, is a Portuguese footballer who plays as a central defender for F.C. Paços de Ferreira.
- Micael Babo
Micael Davide Macedo Babo (born 5 June 1993 in Freixo de Cima, Amarante) is a Portuguese footballer who plays for Associação Recreativa de São Martinho as a midfielder.
- Micael Dahlén
Micael Dahlén (born 18 June 1973) is a Swedish author, public speaker and Professor of marketing and consumer behavior at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden.
- Micael Silva
Micael Cabrita Silva (born 16 March 1993 in Silves, Algarve) is a Portuguese footballer who plays for União da Madeira as a midfielder.
- Micael Freire
Micael Héber Mendes Freire (born 20 November 1994) is a Portuguese footballer who plays for Gondomar SC as a right winger.
- Micael Bydén
General Per Micael Bydén (born 13 June 1964) is the Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces, appointed on 11 September 2015.
- Haile Micael Kedir
Haile Micael Kedir (born 8 September 1944) is an Ethiopian former cyclist.
- Micael Bindefeld
Micael Bindefeld (born 20 September 1959) is a Swedish event and party organiser.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Micael Numerology: Name Micael has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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