What does the name Miah mean? What is the meaning of the name Miah?
Meaning of Miah: Name Miah in the African, Swedish origin, means The much dearest person.. Name Miah is of African, Swedish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Miah are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Miah (Namesakes)
- Andy Miah
Andrew Muzafor Miah (Bengali: এন্ড্রু মুজাফফর মিয়া; born 15 October 1975 in Norwich, Norfolk) is an English bioethicist, academic and journalist.
- Miah Nikora
Miah Nikora (born 28 April 1985 in Gisborne, New Zealand) is a professional rugby union player from New Zealand.
- Tommy Miah
Mohammad Ajman Miah, MBE FRSA (born 28 March 1959), better known as Tommy Miah, is a Bangladeshi-born British celebrity chef, owner of the award-winning Raj Restaurant and founder of the International Indian Chef of the Year Competition.
- Rana Miah
Mohammad Rana Miah is a first-class and List A cricketer from Bangladesh.
- Miah Dennehy
Jeremiah Dennehy (born 29 March 1950), commonly referred to as Miah Dennehy, is a former Republic of Ireland international footballer who played for, among others, Cork Hibernians, Nottingham Forest, Walsall F.C., and Bristol Rovers.
- Mamun Miah
Mohd Mamun Miah (born 11 September 1987) is a Bangladeshi international footballer who plays as a defender for Sheikh Russel KC and the Bangladesh national football team.
- Saiman Miah
Saiman Miah (Bengali: সায়মান মিয়া; born 7 December 1986) is a British Bangladeshi architectural designer and graphic designer.
- Jernade Miah
Jernade Miah (Bengali: জুনায়েদ মিয়া; born 6 September 1991) is an English singer-songwriter and dancer of Bangladeshi origin.
- Hammad Miah
Hammad Miah (born 6 July 1993) is an English professional snooker player.
- Miah-Marie Langlois
Miah-Marie Langlois (born September 21, 1991) is a Canadian professional basketball player for WBC Dynamo Novosibirsk and the Canadian national team, with whom she participated at the 2014 FIBA World Championship.
- Fazle Rabbi Miah
- Ruyel Miah
Ruyel Miah (born 16 December 2000) is a Bangladeshi cricketer.
- Shahjahan Miah
Shahjahan Miah (Birth: 10 January 1947) is a Bangladesh Nationalist Party politician.
- Md. Abdul Wahhab Miah
Abdul Wahhab Miya (born 11 November 1951) is a Bangladeshi jurist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Miah Numerology: Name Miah has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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