What does the name Melina mean? What is the meaning of the name Melina
Meaning of Melina: Name Melina in the English, Greek origin, means Old Greek - Honey; Bee; Hard Worker; Strong Work; A variant of Melissa. Name Melina is of English, Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Melina are usually Christianity, Greek by religion.
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Famous people with name Melina (Namesakes)
- Melina Kanakaredes
Melina Eleni Kanakaredes Constantinides (Greek: Μελίνα Ελένη Κανακαρίδη Κωνσταντινίδη; born April 23, 1967) is an American actress.
- Melina León
Melina León (born 12 July 1973 as Yamillette Aponte Yunqué in Río Piedras, Puerto Rico) is a Puerto Rican merengue singer and actress.
- Melina Perez
Melina Nava Perez (born March 9, 1979) is an American model, professional wrestler and valet.
- Melina Marchetta
Carmelina Marchetta (born 25 March 1965) is an Australian writer and teacher.
- Melina Almodovar
Melina Almodóvar (born Ilsa Melina Almodóvar Sánchez in Santurce, Puerto Rico), also known as La Muñeca de la Salsa and La Chica Del Bling, is a Puerto Rican salsa singer, songwriter, dancer, and entertainer.
- Melina Matsoukas
Melina Matsoukas (born January 14, 1981) is an American music video, film, commercial and television director.
- Melina Soochan
Melina Soochan is a Canadian singer-songwriter from Montreal, Quebec.
- Melina Aslanidou
Melina Aslanidou (born Symela Aslanidou 28 August 1974 in Stuttgart, Germany) is a Greek singer.
- Melina Bath
Melina Gaye Bath (born 18 December 1966) is an Australian politician and former schoolteacher, who is a Nationals member of the Victorian Legislative Council representing the Eastern Victoria Region.
- Melina Sirolli
Melina Debora Sirolli (born 23 April 1984) was an Argentine female artistic gymnast, representing her nation at international competitions.
- Melina Vidler
Melina Vidler (born 20 February 1993) is an Australian actress, known for her role as Shay Turner in 800 Words, for which she won the Logie Award for Most Outstanding Newcomer in 2016.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Melina Numerology: Name Melina has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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