What does the name Mehmood mean? What is the meaning of the name Mehmood
Meaning of Mehmood: Name Mehmood in the Arabic origin, means One worthy of compliments. Name Mehmood is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Mehmood (Namesakes)
- Khawaja Muhammad Nizam-ul-Mehmood
Khawaja Muhammad Nizam-ul-Mehmood is a Pakistani politician who was a Member of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, from May 2013 to May 2018.
- Faakhir Mehmood
Faakhir Mehmood (Urdu: فاخر محمود) is a Pakistani singer and composer.
- Arif Mehmood
Arif Mehmood (born June 21, 1983) is a retired Pakistani professional footballer who played for WAPDA as a striker from 2004 to 2016, after gaining promotion from their youth team where he spent six years from 1998 to 2004.
- Adil Mehmood
Adil Mehmood (born 31 December 1988) is a Hong Kong cricketer.
- Mehmood Aslam
Mehmood Aslam, born to one of the Arain families of Lahore, is a Pakistani television and stage actor, He has appeared in classic drama series such as Andhera Ujala, Payas, Din, Janjaalpura, and is commonly known for his role in ongoing comedy series Bulbulay.
- Rashid Mehmood
Rashid Mehmood (born 15 August 1987) is a Pakistani field hockey player who plays as a defender for Dutch club Schaerweijde and the Pakistan national team.
- Mian Tariq Mehmood
Mian Tariq Mehmood (Urdu: میاں طارق محمود; born 3 July 1970) is a Pakistani politician who had been a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan, from June 2013 to February 2017.
- Iqbal Mehmood
Iqbal Mehmood is an Indian politician and a member of the 16th Legislative Assembly of Uttar Pradesh of India.
- Adnan Mehmood
Adnan Mehmood (born 1 July 1993) is a Pakistani cricketer.
- Mehmood Jan
Mehmood Jan (Urdu: محمود جان; born 5 May 1969) is a Pakistani politician who currently serves as Deputy Speaker of the Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in office since August 2018.
- Makhdoom Syed Ali Akbar Mehmood
Makhdoom Syed Ali Akbar Mehmood is a Pakistani politician who was a Member of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, from August 2013 to May 2018.
- Makhdoom Syed Murtaza Mehmood
Makhdoom Syed Murtaza Mehmood is a Pakistani politician who has been a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan since August 2018.
- Mehmood Anwar
Mehmood Anwar is a Pakistani politician who was a Member of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, from May 2013 to May 2018.
- Fareeha Mehmood
Fareeha Mehmood (born 19 February 1994) is a Pakistani cricketer.
- Sajid Mehmood Sethi
Muhammad Sajid Mehmood Sethi (born 19 May 1968) is a Pakistani jurist who has been Justice of the Lahore High Court since 8 June 2015.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Mehmood Numerology: Name Mehmood has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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