What does the name Meaghan mean? What is the meaning of the name Meaghan
Meaning of Meaghan: Name Meaghan in the Greek origin, means Greek - Pearl; Great and Mighty; A variant of the name Megan. Name Meaghan is of Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Meaghan are usually Greek by religion.
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Famous people with name Meaghan (Namesakes)
- Meaghan Rath
Meaghan Rath (born June 18, 1986) is a Canadian film and television actress.
- Meaghan Jarensky
Meaghan Jarensky Barakett is an advocate of young women, a humanist, a yogi, and a model.
- Meaghan Francella
Meaghan Francella (born May 12, 1982) is an American professional golfer currently playing on the LPGA Tour.
- Meaghan Martin
Meaghan Jette Martin (; born February 17, 1992) is an American actress and singer.
- Meaghan Benfeito
Meaghan Benfeito (born March 2, 1989) is a Canadian diver.
- Meaghan Waller
Meaghan DeWarrenne-Waller (born October 16, 1989) is a Canadian fashion model, best known for winning cycle 3 of Canada's Next Top Model.
- Meaghan Mikkelson
Meaghan Mikkelson (born January 4, 1985) is a Canadian ice hockey player and a member of the Canada women's national ice hockey team and plays for Luleå HF in the Swedish Women's Hockey League.
- Meaghan Sittler
Meaghan Sittler (born March 12, 1976 in Mississauga, Ontario) is a Canadian-born American former ice hockey player for the Colby College White Mules women's ice hockey program and the Brampton Thunder of the NWHL. She is Colby's all-time leading scorer with 199 goals and 121 assists in 85 games.
- Meaghan Sargeant
Meaghan Sargeant (born 16 March 1994) is an English footballer who plays as a defender for FA Women's Super League club Bristol City.
- Meaghan Volker
Meaghan Volker (born 20 October 1990) is an Australian rower.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Meaghan Numerology: Name Meaghan has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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