What does the name Mckinney mean? What is the meaning of the name Mckinney
Meaning of Mckinney: Name Mckinney in the Irish origin, means The one that obeys. Name Mckinney is of Irish origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Mckinney (Namesakes)
- Cynthia McKinney
Cynthia Ann McKinney (born March 17, 1955) is an American politician and activist who is an assistant professor at North South University, Bangladesh.
- Kurt McKinney
Kurt Robin McKinney (born February 15, 1962 in Louisville, Kentucky) is an American actor.
- Gene McKinney
Gene C. McKinney (born November 3, 1950) is a retired United States Army soldier who served as the 10th Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA), serving from July 1995 to October 1997.
- Mark McKinney
Mark Douglas Brown McKinney (born June 26, 1959) is a Canadian actor and comedian, best known for his work in the sketch comedy troupe The Kids in the Hall, which includes starring in the 1989 to 1995 TV series The Kids in the Hall and 1996 feature film Brain Candy.
- Tamara McKinney
Tamara McKinney (born October 16, 1962) is a former World Cup alpine ski racer from the United States.
- Billy McKinney (basketball)
William Mervin McKinney III (born June 5, 1955) is a retired American professional basketball player and former radio broadcaster.
- John P. McKinney
John P. McKinney is a former Republican member of the Connecticut Senate, representing the 28th district since 1999, and served as its Minority Leader from June 2007 until 2014.
- Carlos McKinney
Carlos McKinney (born January 10, 1978) is a Grammy Award-winning American record producer and jazz pianist.
- Doc McKinney
Martin "Doc" McKinney (born August 27, 1971) is a Canadian American record producer and songwriter.
- Demetria McKinney
Demetria Dyan McKinney (born August 27, 1979) is an American actress and singer-songwriter.
- Gil McKinney
Mark Gilbert McKinney, known professionally as Gil McKinney, (born February 5, 1979 in Houston, Texas) is an American film and television actor.
- Benardrick McKinney
Benardrick Cornelius McKinney (born November 19, 1992) is an American football inside linebacker for the Houston Texans of the National Football League (NFL).
- Charlotte McKinney
Charlotte Ann McKinney (born August 6, 1993) is an American actress and model who first gained attention as an Instagram personality, eventually achieving wider recognition for her appearance in a Carl's Jr.
- Machele
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Mckinney Numerology: Name Mckinney has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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