What does the name Mayumi mean? What is the meaning of the name Mayumi
Meaning of Mayumi: Name Mayumi in the Japanese origin, means A girl of true beauty. Name Mayumi is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Mayumi (Namesakes)
- Mayumi Iizuka
Mayumi Iizuka (飯塚 雅弓, Iizuka Mayumi, born January 3, 1977) is a Japanese actress, voice actress and J-pop singer who was born in Tokyo and grew up in Taiwan and Yokohama.
- Mayumi Tanaka
Mayumi Tanaka (田中 真弓, Tanaka Mayumi, born Abe (阿部), born January 15, 1955) is a Japanese actress, voice actress and narrator.
- Mayumi Shō
Mayumi Shō (荘 真由美, Shō Mayumi, born February 5, 1965 in Tokyo) is a Japanese voice actress.
- Mayumi Yamamoto (actress)
Mayumi Yamamoto (山本真由美 Yamamoto Mayumi; born May 11, 1984) is a Japanese actress.
- Mayumi Asano
Mayumi Asano (浅野 まゆみ, Asano Mayumi, born November 13, 1969 in Tokyo) is a Japanese voice actress who is currently part of Office Osawa.
- Mayumi Yamaguchi
Mayumi Yamaguchi (山口 眞弓, Yamaguchi Mayumi, born May 12, 1975) is a Japanese voice actress who is affiliated with Accent.
- Mayumi Ozaki
Mayumi Ozaki (尾崎 魔弓, Ozaki Mayumi) (born October 28, 1968) is a Japanese professional wrestler.
- Mayumi Itsuwa
Mayumi Itsuwa (五輪 真弓, Itsuwa Mayumi) (born January 24, 1951) is a Japanese vocalist, composer, lyricist, and keyboardist who made her debut in 1972.
- Mayumi Gojo
Mayumi Gojo (五條 真由美, Gojō Mayumi, born February 12, 1972) is a Japanese singer from Ibaraki Prefecture.
- Mayumi Yoshida
Mayumi Yoshida (吉田 真弓, Yoshida Mayumi, born August 26, 1982) is a Japanese voice actress from Yokohama, Japan.
- Mayumi Itō
Mayumi Itō (伊藤 真由恵, Itō Mayumi, born March 13, 1976) is a Japanese ski mountaineer.
- Mayumi Morinaga
Mayumi Morinaga (森永真由美, Morinaga Mayumi, born 19 September 1981) is a Japanese singer whose career began in the late 2000s singing video game soundtracks.
- Mayumi Sako
Mayumi Sako (佐古 真弓, Sako Mayumi, born January 13, 1978) is a Japanese actress and voice actress from Tokyo.
- Mayumi Kojima
Mayumi Kojima (小島麻由美, Kojima Mayumi, born September 30, 1972) is a Japanese Shibuya-kei musician.
- Mayumi Sada
Mayumi Sada (佐田 真由美, Sada Mayumi, born August 23, 1977, in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese model and actress.
- Mayumi Ono (actress)
Mayumi Ono (小野 真弓, Ono Mayumi, born March 12, 1981 in Nagareyama, Chiba Prefecture) is a Japanese actress, entertainer, gravure idol, and singer represented by Sun Music Production.
- Mayumi Nagisa
Mayumi Nagisa (渚 まゆみ, Nagisa Mayumi, real name Mayumi Hamaguchi (浜口 真弓, Hamaguchi Mayumi, née Tashiro (田代)); born 10 October 1944) is a Japanese actress and singer.
- Mayumi Ohkutsu
Mayumi Ohkutsu (Japanese: 大久津 真由美; born July 12, 1968 in Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan as Mayumi Seguchi; also known as Mayumi Seguchi-Ohkutsu, Mayumi Seguchi-Okutsu) is a Japanese curler, a five-time Pacific-Asian champion (1991, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997) and a six-time Japan women's champion (1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998).
- Menali
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Mayumi Numerology: Name Mayumi has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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