What does the name Mayfield mean? What is the meaning of the name Mayfield
Meaning of Mayfield: Name Mayfield in the English origin, means One who is from the Warrior's field. Name Mayfield is of English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Mayfield are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Mayfield (Namesakes)
- Jeremy Mayfield
Jeremy Allen Mayfield (born May 27, 1969) is an American stock car racing driver.
- Max Mayfield
Britt Max Mayfield (born September 19, 1948) is an American meteorologist who served as the director of the National Hurricane Center from 2000 to 2007.
- Imamu Mayfield
Imamu Amiri Mayfield (born April 19, 1972) is an American professional boxer.
- Irvin Mayfield
Irvin Mayfield Jr. (born December 23, 1977) is an American trumpeter, composer, bandleader and educator.
- Jessica Lea Mayfield
Jessica Lea Mayfield (born August 27, 1989) is an American singer-songwriter from Kent, Ohio, United States.
- Matthew Mayfield
Matthew Mayfield is an American singer and songwriter from Birmingham, Alabama.
- Debbie Mayfield
Debbie Mayfield (born December 2, 1956) is a Republican member of the Florida Senate who has represented the 17th district, which includes Indian River and southern Brevard Counties, since 2016.
- Adam Mayfield
Adam Mayfield (born August 2, 1976) is an American actor.
- Les Mayfield
Les Mayfield (born in Albuquerque, New Mexico) is an American film director and producer.
- Karim Mayfield
Karim Rasheed Mayfield (born December 14, 1980) is an American professional boxer who fights at welterweight.
- Scott Mayfield
Scott Mayfield (born October 14, 1992) is an American ice hockey player who is currently playing with the New York Islanders of the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Charlie Mayfield
Sir Andrew Charles Mayfield (born 25 December 1966), known as Charlie Mayfield, is a British businessman.
- Baker Mayfield
Baker Reagan Mayfield (born April 14, 1995) is an American football quarterback for the Cleveland Browns of the National Football League (NFL).
- DeMario Mayfield
DeMario Aquan Mayfield (born May 23, 1991) is an American-born naturalized Iraqi professional basketball player for KB Prishtina of the Kosovo Basketball Superleague and Basketball Champions League (BCL).
- Jack Mayfield
Jack Mayfield (born September 30, 1990) is an American professional baseball infielder for the Houston Astros of Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Maryhelen Mayfield
Maryhelen Mayfield (born January 28, 1946) is an American ballet dancer, choreographer, and artistic director.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Mayfield Numerology: Name Mayfield has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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