What does the name Maurice mean? What is the meaning of the name Maurice
Meaning of Maurice: Name Maurice in the French, Latin origin, means French name describing something dark. Name Maurice is of French, Latin origin and is a Boy name. People with name Maurice are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Maurice (Namesakes)
- Maurice Ashley
Maurice Ashley (born March 6, 1966) is a Jamaican-American chess grandmaster, author, and commentator.
- Maurice LaMarche
Maurice LaMarche (born March 30, 1958) is a Canadian voice actor and former stand-up comedian.
- Maurice Clarett
Maurice Edward Clarett (born October 29, 1983) is a former American football running back who played for the Ohio State Buckeyes football team.
- Maurice Benard
Maurice Benard (born March 1, 1963) is an American actor.
- Maurice Malpas
Maurice Daniel Robert Malpas (born 3 August 1962) is a Scottish football player and coach.
- Maurice Cheeks
Maurice Edward Cheeks (born September 8, 1956) is an American former professional basketball player and is currently an assistant coach for the Oklahoma City Thunder of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Maurice Tempelsman
Maurice Tempelsman (born August 26, 1929) is a Belgian-American businessman and diamond merchant.
- Maurice Setters
Maurice Edgar Setters (born 16 December 1936) is an English former football player and manager.
- Maurice Taylor
Maurice De Shawn Taylor (born October 30, 1976) is an American former professional basketball player.
- Maurice Roëves
Maurice Roëves (; born 19 March 1937) is a Scottish film and television actor, born in Sunderland, in north east England but brought up in Scotland.
His television roles include The Sweeney (1975), Danger UXB (1979), The Nightmare Man (1981), the 1984 Doctor Who serial The Caves of Androzani, Days of Our Lives (1986), North and South (1985), Tutti Frutti (1987), Rab C. Nesbitt (1990), The New Statesman (1990), Spender (1991), Star Trek: The Next Generation (1993), the BBC adaptation of Vanity Fair (1998), EastEnders (2003), A Touch of Frost (2003) and Skins (2008).
He also played Chief Superintendent David Duckenfield in the 1996 television film Hillsborough.
In 2006 he appeared in the BBC docudrama Surviving Disasters, portraying Sir Matt Busby in the story of the Munich air disaster.
He starred as Robert Henderson in BBC Scotland's drama River City.
- Maurice Boucher
Maurice Boucher (born June 21, 1953) is a Canadian convicted murderer, rapist, reputed drug trafficker, and outlaw biker—the former President of the Hells Angels' Montreal chapter.
- Maurice Hines
Maurice Robert Hines Jr. (born December 13, 1943) is an American actor, director, singer, and choreographer.
- Florian Maurice
Florian Maurice (born 20 January 1974) is a French former professional footballer.
- Maurice Edu
Maurice Edu (born April 18, 1986) is an American former professional soccer player.
- Maurice Obstfeld
Maurice Moses "Maury" Obstfeld (born 1952) is a professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley and previously Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund.
- Maurice Dalé
Maurice Junior Dalé (born 12 July 1985) is a French professional footballer of who plays as a striker.
- Maurice Harkless
Maurice José Harkless (born May 11, 1993) is an American professional basketball player for the New York Knicks of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Maurice Canady
Maurice Canady (born May 26, 1994) is an American football cornerback for the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League (NFL).
- Maurice Hooker
Maurice Dewayne Hooker (born August 7, 1989) is an American Professional boxer who held the WBO light welterweight title from 2018 to July 2019 and challenged once for the WBC light welterweight title in July 2019.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Maurice Numerology: Name Maurice has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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