What does the name Mauri mean? What is the meaning of the name Mauri
Meaning of Mauri: Name Mauri in the Latin origin, means Latin - Swarthy; Dark Skinned; Moor; Beloved of Amun; A variant form of Maura. Name Mauri is of Latin origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Mauri: Latin - Swarthy; Dark Skinned; Moor; Beloved of Amun; A variant form of Maura
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Famous people with name Mauri (Namesakes)
- Melcior Mauri
Melcior Mauri Prat (born 8 April 1966 in Vic) is a Spanish retired cyclist who won the 1991 Vuelta a España.
- Stefano Mauri
Stefano Mauri (Italian pronunciation: [ˈsteːfano ˈmauri]; born 8 January 1980) is an Italian former footballer, who spent most of his career with Lazio, also serving as the club's captain.
- Mauri Pekkarinen
Reijo Mauri Matias Pekkarinen (born 6 October 1947, in Kinnula, Finland) is a Finnish politician.
- Cristian Roig Mauri
Cristian Roig Mauri (born 23 July 1977) is a former Andorran international footballer.
- Mauri (footballer)
Mauritius Ugartemendia Lauzirika (26 July 1934), commonly known as Mauri, is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Josep Maria Mauri
Josep Maria Mauri i Prior (born 21 October 1941) is a Spanish Catholic priest from Catalonia and the current personal representative of the episcopal Co-Prince of Andorra, Archbishop Joan Enric Vives Sicília.
He was born in 1941 in Alzina de Moror, Pallars Jussà, Spain and was ordained a priest in 1965.
- Mauri Fonseca
Mauri Fernandes Fonseca (born September 12, 1941 in Porto Alegre) is a former international freestyle and butterfly swimmer from Brazil.
At the 1964 Summer Olympics, in Tokyo, he swam the 100-metre freestyle and the 4×100-metre medley, not reaching the finals.
- José Mauri
José Agustín Mauri (born 16 May 1996) is an Argentine-born Italian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Talleres de Córdoba.
- Mauri Holappa
Mauri Holappa (born 9 June 1965) is a Finnish football coach and former footballer.
- Glauco Mauri
Glauco Mauri (born 1 October 1930) is an Italian actor and theatre director.
- Mariano Mauri
- Juan Mauri
Juan Alberto Mauri (born 29 December 1988) is an Argentine footballer who plays as a midfielder for Italian club Palermo.
- Mauri Saarivainio
Mauri Saarivainio (born 15 November 1945) is a Finnish boxer.
- Mauri Vansevenant
Mauri Vansevenant (born 1 June 1999) is a Belgian cyclist, who currently rides for Belgian amateur team EFC–L&R–Vulsteke.
- Mauri Peltokangas
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Mauri Numerology: Name Mauri has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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