What does the name Maulana mean? What is the meaning of the name Maulana?
Meaning of Maulana: Name Maulana in the Arabic origin, means He who is our master. Name Maulana is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Maulana (Namesakes)
- Maulana Karenga
Maulana Ndabezitha Karenga, previously known as Ron Karenga, (born Ronald McKinley Everett, July 14, 1941) is an African-American professor of Africana studies, activist and author, best known as the creator of the pan-African and the African-American holiday of Kwanzaa.
- Markus Haris Maulana
Markus Haris Maulana or Muhammad Haris Maulana (born Markus Horison Ririhina on 14 March 1981) is an Indonesian former professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Ahmad Maulana Putra
Ahmad Maulana Putra (born July 27, 1988) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays for Semen Padang in the Liga 2.
- Irsyad Maulana
Irsyad Maulana (born September 27, 1993) is an Indonesian football player who currently plays for PSM Makassar as a winger in the Liga 1.
- Saepulloh Maulana
Saepulloh Maulana (born December 22, 1988) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a defender for Badak Lampung in the Liga 2.
- Arya Maulana Aldiartama
Arya Maulana Aldiartama (born 30 September 1995, in Surakarta) is a male Indonesian badminton player from PB Djarum club specializes in doubles.
- Septian David Maulana
Septian David Maulana (born 2 September 1996) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a attacking midfielder for PSIS Semarang and the Indonesia national team.
- Egy Maulana
Egy Maulana Vikri (born 7 July 2000) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays for Polish club Lechia Gdańsk and the Indonesia national football team.
- Dandi Maulana
Dandi Maulana Abdulhak (born in Juny 17, 1998), is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a defender for Liga 1 club Barito Putera.
- Abu Rizal Maulana
Abu Rizal Maulana (born 27 August 1994) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a right back or defensive midfielder for Persebaya Surabaya in the Liga 1.
- Reksa Maulana
Reksa Maulana (born on March 20, 1998) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a defensive midfielder for Persik Kediri, on loan from Bhayangkara in the Liga 1.
- Adam Maulana
Adam Maulana (born on March 26, 1997) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a defender for Persiba Balikpapan in the Liga 2.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Maulana Numerology: Name Maulana has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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