What does the name Maud mean? What is the meaning of the name Maud
Meaning of Maud: Name Maud in the English origin, means One who is strong in a battle, a war mainden. Name Maud is of English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Maud are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Maud (Namesakes)
- Maud Adams
Maud Solveig Christina Adams (née Wikström; born 12 February 1945), is a Swedish actress, known for her roles as two different Bond girls, first in The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) and then as the eponymous character in Octopussy (1983), as well as making a brief uncredited appearance in A View to a Kill (1985).
- Maud Olofsson
Maud Elisabeth Olofsson (born Olsson, 9 August 1955) is a former Swedish politician who was the leader of the Swedish Centre Party from 2001 to 2011, Minister for Enterprise and Energy from 2006 to 2011 and Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden from 2006 to 2010.
- Maud Forget
Maud Forget born May 7, 1982 is a French actress best known for her roles in "Mauvaises fréquentations" (1999, "Bad Company"), and "La vie promise" (2002, "Ghost River"/"The Promised Life") opposite Isabelle Huppert and Pascal Greggory.
- Maud Hansson
Maud Hansson (born 5 December 1937) is a Swedish film actress.
- Maud Roetgering
Maud Engelina Maria Roetgering is a Dutch football defender, currently playing for FC Twente in the Dutch Eredivisie and has won Dutch national titles on multiple occasions with the club.
- Maud Coutereels
Maud Coutereels is a Belgian football midfielder currently playing in the Division 1 Feminine for Lille, with whom she has also played the Champions League.
- Maud Chifamba
As of 2012 Maud Chifamba was the youngest university student in Africa.
- Maud Duplomb
Maud Duplomb, (born 31 October 1985 in Annonay) is a professional squash player who represents France.
- Maud Welzen
Maud Welzen (born 13 November 1993) is a Dutch model.
- Maud Megens
Maud Megens (born 6 February 1996) is a Dutch water polo player.
- Maud Kaptheijns
Maud Kaptheijns (born (1994-09-28)28 September 1994) is a Dutch cyclo-cross cyclist.
- Maud Wyler
Maud Wyler (born 14 December 1982) is a French actress.
- Maud Petit
- Maud Nordlander
Maud Nordlander (born November 11, 1943) is a Swedish curler.
She is a 1986 World championship bronze medallist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Maud Numerology: Name Maud has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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