What does the name Mateus mean? What is the meaning of the name Mateus?
Meaning of Mateus: Name Mateus in the Portuguese origin, means He is a like he Gift of God. Name Mateus is of Portuguese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Mateus are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Mateus (Namesakes)
- Mateus Galiano da Costa
Mateus Galiano da Costa (born 19 June 1984), known simply as Mateus, is an Angolan professional footballer who plays for Portuguese club Boavista F.C. as a forward.
- Mateus Lopes
Mateus Henrique Fonseca Lopes (born 7 December 1975 in São Vicente), known simply as Mateus, is a Cape Verdean footballer who plays as a striker.
- Mário Mateus
Mário Daniel Gil Mateus (born 19 March 1992 in Lisbon) is a Portuguese footballer who plays for Futebol Benfica, as a midfielder.
- Mateus Ward
Mateus Cole Ward (born January 18, 1999) is an American actor.
- Mateus Fonseca
Mateus Borges da Fonseca (born 10 May 1993) is a Portuguese footballer who plays for Casa Pia, as a midfielder.
- Mateus Solano
Mateus Solano Schenker Carneiro da Cunha (born March 20, 1981) is a Brazilian actor.
- Mateus Vital
Mateus da Silva Vital Assumpção (born 12 October 1998), known as Mateus Vital, is a Brazilian footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Corinthians.
- Mateus Uribe
Andrés Mateus Uribe Villa (born 21 March 1991) is a Colombian professional footballer who plays as a central midfielder for Portuguese club Porto and the Colombia national team.
- Mateus Gregório
Mateus Filipe Gregório Machado (born 5 July 1993) is a Brazilian Olympic weightlifter.
- Mateus Garcia Borges
Mateus Garcia Borges (born 25 June 1983), known as Mateus Borges or simply Mateus, is a Brazilian footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Taubaté.
- Mateus Norton
Mateus Norton Gomes Chaves (born 19 July 1996), simply known as Mateus Norton, is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder.
- Mateus Pasinato
- Mateus (footballer)
Mateus Rodrigues dos Santos (born 3 April 1999), commonly known as Mateus, is a Brazilian footballer who currently plays as a defender for Vitória.
- Mateus Asato
Mateus Asato (December 29, 1993) is a guitarist from Campo Grande, Brazil: he now lives in Los Angeles.
- Nurjamal
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Mateus Numerology: Name Mateus has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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