What does the name Matej mean? What is the meaning of the name Matej
Meaning of Matej: Name Matej in the Macedonian, Croatian, Czech origin, means One considered a God's Gift. Name Matej is of Macedonian, Croatian, Czech origin and is a Boy name. People with name Matej are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Matej (Namesakes)
- Matej Tóth
Matej Tóth (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈmacɛj ˈtɔːt]; born 10 February 1983) is a Slovak race walker.
- Matej Delač
Matej Delač (pronounced [mǎtej dělatʃ]; born 20 August 1992) is a Croatian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Danish club AC Horsens.
- Matej Šebenik
Matej Šebenik (born 28 August 1983) is a Slovene chess player.
- Matej Bene
Matej Bene (born April 11, 1992) is a Slovak ice hockey player.
- Matej Poplatnik
Matej Poplatnik (born 15 July 1992) is a Slovenian footballer who plays as a forward for Kaposvári Rákóczi on loan from Kerala Blasters.
- Matej Jakúbek
Matej Jakúbek (born 19 January 1995) is a Slovak footballer who plays for Dubnica, on loan from Spartak Trnava, as a defensive midfielder.
- Matej Mitrović
Matej Mitrović (Croatian pronunciation: [mǎtej mǐtroʋitɕ]; born 10 November 1993) is a Croatian football defender playing for Belgian club Club Brugge, and for Croatia national football team.
- Matej Mohorič
Matej Mohorič (born 19 October 1994) is a Slovenian professional road racing cyclist, who currently rides for UCI WorldTeam Bahrain–McLaren.
- Matej Hradecky
Matej Hradecky (Slovak: Matej Hradecký, born 17 April 1995) is a Finnish football player who plays for SJK.
- Matej Oravec
Matej Oravec (born 30 March 1998) is a Slovak footballer who plays for Philadelphia Union as a centre back or a defensive midfielder.
- Matej Dekovic
- Matej Dybala
Matej Dybala (born 16 July 1999) is a Slovak football defender who currently plays for FC MAS Táborsko.
- Matej Soklič
Matej Soklič (born 15 June 1973) is a Slovenian cross-country skier.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Matej Numerology: Name Matej has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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