What does the name Mate mean? What is the meaning of the name Mate
Meaning of Mate: Name Mate in the Hebrew origin, means One who is like the gift of God. Name Mate is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name. People with name Mate are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Mate (Namesakes)
- Mate Granić
Mate Granić (born 19 September 1947) is a Croatian diplomat and politician who was part of the Croatian Government in much of the 1990s.
- Mate Bulić
Mate Bulić (pronunciation ; born 18 February 1957) is a Herzegovinian Croat pop and folk singer, whose songs are influenced by his native Herzegovina region.
- Mate Lacić
Mate Lacić (born 12 October 1980 in Split) is a Croatian footballer (defender) who last played for Polish club Cracovia.
- Mate Baturina
Mate Baturina (born 1 August 1973) is a former Croatian footballer who played as an attacking midfielder.
- Mate Bilić
Mate Bilić (born 23 October 1980) is a Croatian retired footballer who played as a striker.
- Mate Šestan
Mate Šestan (born 1971) is a former football player, born in Croatia.
- Mate Ghvinianidze
Mate Ghvinianidze (Georgian: მათე ღვინიანიძე, born 10 December 1986 in Tbilisi) is a retired Georgian footballer.
- Mate Maleš
Mate Maleš (Croatian pronunciation: [mǎːte mâːleʃ]; born 11 March 1989) is a Croatian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Sarpsborg 08.
- Mate Meštrović
Mate Meštrović (born 13 September 1930, Zagreb, Sava Banovina, Kingdom of Yugoslavia), also known as Matthew Mestrovic (or Matthew Meštrović), is an American journalist and academic, Croatian lobbyist, politician and ambassador.
- Mate Brajković
Mate Brajković (born 18 June 1981 in Sombor) is a Croatian football player.
- Mate Eterović
Mate Eterović (born 13 July 1984) is a Croatian footballer who plays for NK Postira Sardi.
- Mate Matišić
Mate Matišić (born 17 January 1965) is a Croatian playwright, screenwriter, composer and musician.
- Mate Delić
Mate Delić (Croatian pronunciation: [mǎːte děliːtɕ]; born 29 April 1993) is a Croatian tennis player.
- Mate Rimac
Mate Rimac (Livno, 12 February 1988) is a Croatian innovator, entrepreneur, and founder of the Croatian car company Rimac Automobili in 2009.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Mate Numerology: Name Mate has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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