What does the name Masami mean? What is the meaning of the name Masami
Meaning of Masami: Name Masami in the Japanese origin, means One who will become beautiful. Name Masami is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Masami are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Masami (Namesakes)
- Masami Kikuchi
Masami Kikuchi (菊池 正美, Kikuchi Masami, born April 24, 1960 in Nagano) is a Japanese voice actor and narrator.
- Masami Kurumada
Masami Kurumada (車田 正美, Kurumada Masami, born December 6, 1953) is a Japanese manga artist and writer, known for specializing in fighting manga featuring bishōnen and magical boy.
- Masami Suzuki
Masami Suzuki (鈴木 真仁, Suzuki Masami, born July 14, 1972) is a Japanese actress, voice actress and singer from Chigasaki.
- Masami Okui
Masami Okui (奥井 雅美, Okui Masami, born March 13, 1968) is a Japanese singer and songwriter from Itami, Hyōgo.
- Masami Nagasawa
Masami Nagasawa (長澤 まさみ, Nagasawa Masami, born June 3, 1987) is a Japanese actress and model.
- Masami Ihara
Masami Ihara (井原 正巳, Ihara Masami, born September 18, 1967) is a former Japanese football player and manager.
- Masami Ōbari
Masami Ōbari (大張 正己, Ōbari Masami, born January 24, 1966) is a noted Japanese anime director, animation director and mecha and character designer.
- Masami Tsuda
Masami Tsuda (津田 雅美, Tsuda Masami, born July 9, 1970 in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese manga artist.
- Masami Iwasaki
Masami Iwasaki (岩崎 征実, Iwasaki Masami, born October 25, 1971) is a Japanese voice actor.
- Devil Masami
Masami Yoshida (吉田 雅美,born January 7, 1962) is a Japanese professional wrestler best known for her appearances in All Japan Women's Pro Wrestling, GAEA Japan and JWP Joshi Puroresu under the name Devil Masami.
- Masami Mitsuoka
Masami Mitsuoka (光岡昌美, Mitsuoka Masami, born August 14, 1986) is a Japanese pop singer.
- Masami Sato
Masami Sato (佐藤 正美, Satō Masami, born August 26, 1981) is a former Japanese football player.
- Masami Nishimura
Masami Nishimura (西村正美, Nishimura Masami, born 20 October 1963) is a Japanese politician from the Democratic Party of Japan.
- Masami Nakabo
Masami Nakabo (中坊 雅美, Nakabō Masami, born 11 May 1941) is a Japanese former swimmer.
- Masami Horikoshi
Masami Horikoshi (堀越正巳, Horikoshi Masami), (born 27 November 1968 in Kumagaya) is a former Japanese rugby union player and coach.
- Masami Ichimura
Masami Ichimura (市村 政美, Ichimura Masami, born 29 December 1950) is a Japanese alpine skier.
- Masami Taki
Masami Taki (滝 雅美, Taki Masami) is a Japanese football manager.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Masami Numerology: Name Masami has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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