What does the name Martí mean? What is the meaning of the name Martí
Meaning of Martí: Name Martí in the Swiss origin, means A warrior of Mars. Name Martí is of Swiss origin and is a Boy name. People with name Martí are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Martí (Namesakes)
- Nerea Martí
Nerea Martí (born 2 January 2002 in Valencia) is a female racing driver from Spain.
- José Luis Martí
José Luis Martí Soler (born 28 April 1975) is a Spanish retired professional footballer who played as a central midfielder, and the current manager of Girona FC.
Known for his excellent tactical awareness, he amassed La Liga totals of 336 matches and eight goals over 13 seasons, representing in the competition Mallorca (two spells), Tenerife and Sevilla.
- Martí Vergés
Martí Vergés Massa, usually known as "Martín Vergés", (born 8 March 1934 in Vidreres, Girona, Catalonia) is a former Spanish footballer.
- Pere Martí
Pere Martí Castelló (Valencian pronunciation: [ˈpe.ɾe maɾˈti]; born 22 January 1982) is a Spanish retired footballer who played mainly as a defensive midfielder, and is the manager of Villarreal CF C.
- Marc Martí
Marc Martí Moreno (born 1 October 1966) is a Spanish rally co-driver.
- Martí Crespí
Martí Crespí Pascual (Spanish pronunciation: [maɾˈti kɾesˈpi]; born 15 June 1987) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for Indian club East Bengal F.C. as a central defender.
- Martí Riverola
Martí Riverola Bataller (born 26 January 1991) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for FC Andorra as a central midfielder.
- Antoni Martí
Antoni Martí Petit (Catalan pronunciation: [ənˈtɔni məɾˈti pəˈtit], born 30 July 1963) is an Andorran architect and politician who served as the Prime Minister of Andorra from May 2011 to 16 May 2019, when he was elected on the ticket of the Democrats for Andorra.
- Javier Martí
Javier Martí Hernanz (Spanish pronunciation: [xaˈβjeɾ maɾˈti eɾˈnanθ]; born January 11, 1992) is a professional tennis player from Spain.
- Guillem Martí
Guillem Martí Misut (Spanish pronunciation: [ɡiˈʎen]; born 5 September 1985), known simply as Guillem, is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for CE Mercadal as a forward.
- Roger Martí
Roger Martí Salvador (born 3 January 1991), known as Roger, is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a forward for Levante UD.
- Jaime Martí
Jaime Martí Marcos (born October 15, 1979 in Madrid) is a Spanish sabre fencer.
- Bernabé Martí
Bernabé Martí (born 14 November 1928) is a Spanish Aragonese operatic tenor and the widower of Montserrat Caballé.
- Andrea Martí
Andrea Martí (born 31 August 1987 in Mexico City, Mexico) is a Mexican actress.
- Martí Batres
Martí Batres Guadarrama (born 26 January 1967) is a Mexican politician.
- Montserrat Martí
Montserrat Martí (born 15 November 1972), also known as Montsita, is a Spanish soprano.
- Inka Martí
Inka Martí Kiemann (born 6 January 1964) is a Spanish journalist, editor, writer, and photographer, the wife of fellow publisher Jacobo Siruela and Countess consort of Siruela.
- Martí Cifuentes
Martí Cifuentes Corvillo (born 7 July 1982) is a Spanish football coach who is currently head coach at Eliteserien club Sandefjord.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Martí Numerology: Name Martí has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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