What does the name Martyn mean? What is the meaning of the name Martyn?
Meaning of Martyn: Name Martyn in the Latin, United States origin, means A warrior, a soldier of God Mars. Name Martyn is of Latin, United States origin and is a Boy name. People with name Martyn are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Martyn: A warrior, a soldier of God Mars
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Famous people with name Martyn (Namesakes)
- Ciarán Martyn
- Damien Martyn
Damien Richard Martyn (born 21 October 1971) is an Australian cricket commentator and former cricketer, who played Tests and ODIs.
- Nigel Martyn
Antony Nigel Martyn (born 11 August 1966) is an English retired professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper from 1987 until 2006.
- Martyn Lewis
Sir Martyn John Dudley Lewis (born 7 April 1945) is a Welsh television news presenter and journalist.
- Martyn Ware
Martyn Ware (born 19 May 1956) is an English and Irish musician, composer, arranger, record producer, and music programmer.
- Martyn Rooney
Martyn Joseph Rooney (born 3 April 1987) is an English sprinter who specialises in the 400 metres event.
- Martyn LeNoble
Martyn LeNoble (Dutch: Martijn LeNoble; born 14 April 1969) is a Dutch bassist and a founding member of the alternative rock band Porno for Pyros.
- Beverley Martyn
Beverley Martyn (born Beverley Kutner on 24 March 1947) is an English singer, songwriter and guitarist.
- Mick Martyn (Australian footballer)
Michael "Mick" Martyn (born 31 August 1968) is a former Australian rules footballer who played for North Melbourne and Carlton in the Australian Football League (AFL).
- Martyn Poliakoff
Sir Martyn Poliakoff (born 16 December 1947) is a British chemist, working on gaining insights into fundamental chemistry, and on developing environmentally acceptable processes and materials.
- Bruce Martyn
Bruce Martyn (born June 24, 1929) is a former American sportscaster, logging over 45 years behind the mike.
- Martyn Naylor
Martyn Paul Naylor (born 2 August 1977 in Walsall) is an English footballer.
- Martyn Waghorn
Martyn Thomas Waghorn (born 23 January 1990) is an English professional footballer who plays as a forward for Championship club Derby County.
- Martyn Ashton
Martyn Ashton (born 2 December 1974) is a former British and World Champion mountain bike trials rider, stunt rider and team manager.
- Martyn Joseph
Martyn Joseph (born 15 July 1960) is a Welsh singer-songwriter whose music exhibits primarily a brand of Celtic and folk, while his songwriting is often focused on social lament or protest.
- Martyn Fotheringham
Martyn Fotheringham (born 23 March 1983) is a Scottish footballer and coach, who played as a midfielder.
- Martyn Lawrence Bullard
Martin "Martyn" Lawrence Bullard is an English interior designer in Los Angeles, author, and television personality.
- Martyn Rix
Edward Martyn Rix (born 15 August 1943) is a British botanist, collector, horticulturalist and author.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Martyn Numerology: Name Martyn has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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