What does the name Martine mean? What is the meaning of the name Martine
Meaning of Martine: Name Martine in the Latin, French origin, means Latin - Dedicated to Mars; Warlike; Female Version of Marc; A variant of the name Martha. Name Martine is of Latin, French origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Martine: Latin - Dedicated to Mars; Warlike; Female Version of Marc; A variant of the name Martha
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Famous people with name Martine (Namesakes)
- Martine McCutcheon
Martine Kimberley Sherrie McCutcheon (born Martine Kimberley Sherrie Ponting, 14 May 1976) is an English singer, television personality and actress.
- Martine Aubry
Martine Louise Marie Aubry (French pronunciation: [maʁtin obʁi]; née Delors; born 8 August 1950) is a French politician.
- Martine Beswick
Martine Beswick (born 26 September 1941) is an English actress and model perhaps best known for her roles in two James Bond films, From Russia with Love (1963) and Thunderball (1965), who went on to appear in a several other notable films in the 1960s.
- Martine Rothblatt
Martine Aliana Rothblatt (born October 10, 1954) is an American lawyer, author, and entrepreneur.
- Martine Croxall
Martine Sarah Croxall FRGS (born 23 February 1969 in Hinckley, Leicestershire) is a British journalist and one of the main news presenters on BBC News.
- Martine St. Clair
Martine St.
- Martine Zuiderwijk
Martine Zuiderwijk (born February 11, 1984 in Naaldwijk) is a Dutch former figure skater.
- Martine Patenaude
Martine Patenaude (born September 28, 1974) is a Canadian former ice dancer.
- Martine Dennis
Martine Dennis is a British news anchor.
- Martine Ouellet
Martine Ouellet (born April 8, 1969) is a Canadian engineer and politician who served as leader of the Bloc Québécois from 2017 to 2018.
- Martine Wright
Martine Wiltshire, MBE (née Wright; born 30 September 1972) is a British sitting volleyball player.
Wright, who was born in London, lost both of her legs in the Aldgate underground explosion in the 7/7 London bombings in 2005.
- Martine Smeets
Martine Smeets (born 5 May 1990) is a Dutch handball player for Metz Handball and the Dutch national team.
On club level she previously played for SV Dalfsen, Thüringer HC, SG BBM Bietigheim and Molde HK.
- Martine Grael
Martine Soffiatti Grael (born 12 February 1991) is a Brazilian sailor in the 49er FX class.
- Martine Warmann
Martine Warmann (formerly Martine George; born 4 October 1983) is an English powerlifter who competes in the Women's Open 56 kg Weight Class.
- Martine Wolff
Martine Wolff (born 20 June 1996) is a Norwegian female handball player who plays for Sola HK.
- Martine Wonner
Martine Wonner (born 27 March 1964) is a French psychiatrist and politician of La République En Marche!
- Martine Delvaux
Martine Delvaux (born December 10, 1968) is a Canadian writer from Montreal, Quebec.
- Martine Desjardins
Martine Desjardins is a Canadian activist and media figure from Quebec.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Martine Numerology: Name Martine has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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