What does the name Mart mean? What is the meaning of the name Mart
Meaning of Mart: Name Mart in the Turkish origin, means A Boy born during the month of March. Name Mart is of Turkish origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Mart (Namesakes)
- Mart Poom
Mart Poom (; Estonian pronunciation: [ˈmɑrt ˈpoːm]; born 3 February 1972) is an Estonian football coach and former professional player.
- Mart Laar
Mart Laar (born 22 April 1960) is an Estonian politician and historian.
- Mart Siimann
Mart Siimann (born 21 September 1946) was the Prime Minister of Estonia from 1997 to 1999, representing the liberal/centrist Estonian Coalition Party.
- Mart Sander
Mart Sander (born 10 August 1967) is an Estonian singer, actor, director, author, artist, and television host.
- Mart Smeets
Jan Marten “Mart” Smeets (born 11 January 1947 in Arnhem) is a Dutch radio and television personality, writer, and columnist.
- Mart Nooij
Martinus Ignatius "Mart" Nooij (born July 3, 1954) is a Dutch football manager.
- Mart Lieder
Mart Lieder (born 1 May 1990) is a Dutch professional footballer who plays as a forward for Odense Boldklub in the Danish Superliga.
- Mart Dijkstra
Mart Dijkstra (born 10 August 1990 in Delfzijl) is a Dutch footballer who plays as a midfielder for Eerste Divisie side NEC.
- Mart Helme
Mart Helme ([ˈmɑrt ˈxɛlʲmɛ], born 31 October 1949) is an Estonian politician, Minister of the Interior since 29 April 2019, and chairman of the national conservative Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) since 13 April 2013.
- Mart Seim
Mart Seim (born 24 October 1990) is an Estonian weightlifter competing in the +105 kg category.
- Mart Ristl
Mart Ristl (born 7 July 1996) is a German footballer who plays as a midfielder for FC Viktoria Köln.
- Mart Raterink
Mart Raterink (born 13 May 1995) is a Dutch football player who plays for SV DFS.
- Mart Müürisepp
Mart Müürisepp (born 28 October 1991) is an Estonian stage, film, and television actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Mart Numerology: Name Mart has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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