What does the name Marlo mean? What is the meaning of the name Marlo
Meaning of Marlo: Name Marlo in the Celtic origin, means A seahill front. Name Marlo is of Celtic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Marlo (Namesakes)
- Marlo Thomas
Margaret Julia "Marlo" Thomas (born November 21, 1937) is an American actress, producer, author, and social activist best known for starring on the sitcom That Girl (1966–1971) and her award-winning children's franchise Free to Be...
- Marlo Perry
Marlo Perry (born August 25, 1972 in Forest, Mississippi) is a former linebacker in the NFL. He played his entire six-year career from 1994-1999 for the Buffalo Bills.
- Marlos
Marlos Romero Bonfim (Ukrainian: Марлос Ромеро Бонфим; born 7 June 1988), or simply Marlos, is a Brazilian-born Ukrainian attacking midfielder or right winger who plays for Ukrainian club FC Shakhtar Donetsk.
- Marlo Mendoza Peralta
The Most Reverend Marlo Mendoza Peralta, D.D. (born 13 July 1950 in San Carlos, Pangasinan), is a prelate of the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines.
- Marlo Mortel
Marlo Mortel (born January 4, 1993) is a Filipino singer and actor.
- Marlos Moreno
Marlos Moreno Durán (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈmaɾloz moˈɾeno]; born 20 September 1996) is a Colombian professional footballer who plays for Portimonense on loan from Manchester City as a forward.
- Marlo R. Cruz
Marlo R. Cruz is the President and CEO of CIBI Information, Inc.
- Marlo Anderson
Marlo Anderson (born October 23, 1962) is a technology talk show host and the founder of National Day Calendar.
- Brenner Marlos
Brenner Marlos Varanda de Oliveira (born 1 March 1994), known as Brenner, is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a forward for Bangkok United
- Marlo Sweatman
Marlo Carmen Colette Sweatman (born 1 December 1994) is an American-born Jamaican footballer who plays as a midfielder for Hungarian club Szent Mihály FC and the Jamaica women's national team.
- Marlo Weich
Marlo Louis Weich (born (1995-11-23)23 November 1995) is a South African rugby union player for Russian team Enisei-STM in the Rugby Premier League and the European Rugby Challenge Cup.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Marlo Numerology: Name Marlo has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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