What does the name Marla mean? What is the meaning of the name Marla?
Meaning of Marla: Name Marla in the Hebrew origin, means Hebrew - Of Magdala; Sea of bitterness; Rebelliousness; Wished for Child; To swell. Name Marla is of Hebrew origin and is a Girl name. People with name Marla are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Marla: Hebrew - Of Magdala; Sea of bitterness; Rebelliousness; Wished for Child; To swell
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Famous people with name Marla (Namesakes)
- Marla Heasley
Marla Heasley (born September 4, 1959, Hollywood, California) is an American film and TV actress.
- Marla Sokoloff
Marla Lynne Sokoloff (born December 19, 1980) is an American actress.
- Marla Maples
Marla Ann Maples (born October 27, 1963) is an American actress and television personality.
- Marla Gibbs
Marla Gibbs (born Margaret Theresa Bradley; June 14, 1931) is an American actress, comedian, singer, writer and television producer, whose career spans five decades.
- Marla Adams
Marla Adams (born August 28, 1938) is an American television actress, best known for her roles as Belle Clemens on The Secret Storm, from 1968 to 1974, and as Dina Abbott Mergeron on The Young and the Restless.
- Marla Pennington
Marla Lynn Pennington (born March 5, 1954) is an American actress.
- Marla Mallett
Marla Mallett (born December 19, 1970 as Marla Geiger in Nanaimo, British Columbia) is a Canadian curler from Walnut Grove, British Columbia.
- Marla Frazee
Marla Frazee (born January 16, 1958) is an American author and illustrator of children's literature.
- Marla Tellez
Marla Christine Tellez (born April 16, 1976) is an American news anchor for KTTV-TV in Los Angeles, California.
- Marla Brumfield
Marla Tanishe Brumfield (born June 6, 1978) is a former professional basketball player who spent three seasons in the WNBA. She was the first women's basketball player from the Western Athletic Conference to be drafted by the WNBA.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Marla Numerology: Name Marla has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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